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sectmg the reef carried down in the winze, and after driving a further distance of 120 ft. the reef'was met with, and has up to the present time been driven on for a distance of 30 ft. The reef at this level maintained its width, being in the face at the present time fully 5 ft. wide, and although no gold has been seen in the quartz at this point yet it looks promising. A crosscut has recently been put in at the low level to open up a block of ground on the Empire lode, and has been cut at a depth of 50 ft. below its outcrop, and being driven on its course to get to a point directly under the place where assays from £4 to £9 were obtained. The reef in the face of the level at the present time is a compact body of solid quartz, about 2 ft. in width, the stone being highly mineralised, and looking very promising. An average of five men were employed during the year. New Una. —In the early part of the year operations were confined to the Loyalty, German, and McKenzie's leaders at the low level, from which 123 tons of quartz was treated for 21 oz. 5 dwt. of gold ; value, £58 14s. As this was not sufficient to pay, work here was abandoned for the time being. The company then directed its attention to driving a surface level to intersect what is known as the Duke's reef, which was worked in former years with satisfactory results. This drive is now in 270 ft., and another 230 ft. of driving, it is said, will reach the reef. There are other reefs in which payable gold was obtained on the outcrop; these will be met with as the drive proceeds. An average of four men were employed. New May Queen Extended. —As the work on the various leaders above the main adit did not prove payable, operations were directed to opening up the mine at the 100 ft. level of the company's shaft, and as the water had to be contended with here, an oil-engine was purchased, and erected in a chamber in the adit level at the shaft. The engine is capable of meeting the requirements of both pumping and winding. The shaft and No. 1 level being in a bad state of repair cost a considerable sum of money to put them in working-order, and in consequence little has yet been done on the reefs formerly worked, in which, it is said, good results were obtained. The shareholders are sanguine that payable gold will be met with to pay for the outlay. An average of seven men were employed. New Dart. —The works in this company's mine have been chiefly confined to the extension of the adit low level, which is now connected with the old workings formerly worked from what is known as the Dart shaft. As the water has now been drained off to this level, the operations are now directed to repairing the drives, with a view to opening up the leaders and reefs that are said to contain payable gold. The tributers crushed 3 tons of quartz for 14 oz. 15 dwt. of gold; value, £41 6s. An average of seven men were employed. Occidental. —Work in this mine is directed to driving an intermediate level above the main-adit level, with the object of cutting the reef successfully worked by a previous company from the low level. The country rock passed through in this drive -has been of a very hard nature, and consequently the progress made has been slow. During the year four men were employed. Lord Nelson and North Star. —The work in this mine has not been confined to any particular'kader, but to breaking out quartz from the various reefs on the outcrops which traverse the property, and, considering the quantity of ore treated, the results should be highly satisfactory. Thirty loads were treated for a yield of 76 oz. 17 dwt. of gold; value, £212 lis. 3d. Two men were employed. Summer Hill Claim. —This party has done a considerable amount of work in the shape of driving and stoping on small leaders, and has met with a fair amount of success. Although the quantity of ore treated is small, yet 1 cwt. 1 qr. 11 lb. treated gave a return of 89 oz. 7 dwt. of gold ; value, £213 4s. Bd. For the year two men were employed. Daisy Mine. —This is a portion of what was formerly the Anchor Mine. The work during the year was directed to driving a crosscut to intersect a leader that was worked with success in the upper levels. When the leader was met with in the drive, good specimens were obtained, which correspond with the rich shoot of ore worked in the levels above. The backs over this level are limited, but the gold obtained has paid handsomely for the amount of work done in opening up the mine. 2 cwt. 1 qr. 10 lb. of stone yielded 132 oz. 12 dwt. of gold, for a value of £318 4s. Bd. During the year an average of two men were employed. Weymouth. —This is a claim which has been held by Wallis Bros, for a number of years, who have continued working on some of the small leaders on the surface level, and at times with a fair amount of success. During the past year 49 lb. of specimen stone was treated for 32 oz. 12 dwt. of gold; value, £76 16s. Bd. Two men employed. Reliance. —This is a claim lately taken up, and from which a ton of ore was treated for a yield of 11 oz. 5 dwt. of gold, for a value of £25 lis. lOd. Claremont. —This is a claim of one man's ground held by George Bryant for a number of years. When last inspected there were no indications to show that any work had been done on the mine for some considerable time past, yet by the returns from his crushing plant 3 cwt. 14 lb. of stone had been treated from his claim for the large yield of 367 oz. 9 dwt. of gold, for a value of £987 2s. One man was employed. Arrindell. —This mine is held by an English syndicate, who have expended a large amount of money in the development of the property and the erection of a crushing plant. It is to be regretted that they have met with little encouragement. 13 tons 10 cwt. of ore was treated during the year for the return of 12 oz. 10 dwt. of gold; value, £36 10s. 6d. Four men were employed. Southern Queen. —This mine is situated on the Collarbone Spur, and formerly known as the Karaka Mines. The present company has opened up the mine from the levels put in from the side of the hill by previous companies and has met with a fair amount of success. The operations have been chiefly confined to dr.ving and stoping on the Blue reef and small leaders striking into the hanging-wall, from which forty-seven loads of quartz were broken out and treated for 118 oz. 14 dwt. of gold, for a value of £325 12s. 3d. The company contemplates extending the Atlantic low level for the purpose of open-