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B. -7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.



J.17V I — KJ. Salaries. Other Charts* Total. £ £ £ Fote 10.—Public BuilHinsri ... 2,687 44,302 16,889 „ 20.—ttoTemmenl Domain i 1,198 1,400 2 ,598 TOTAL OF CLASS VII. * 15,702 19,487 Item. leva. —• ISM 1907-8. 7-8. PUBLIC BUILDINGS f~ 1907-8. £ Total number of oHicere 11 e £ £ VOTJ'! No. L9 Maintenance Impbovkmknts, Fittinos, Furnitukk, ktc — I Salaries — Arahited • •■■ :, " ,1 •I Draughtsmen: 1 at £250. 2 at 6220, 1 a< £212, I a< £200 ..". ... 'I' , - , I Clerks: I at £205, 1 at £220. 2 at £200 885 Fire Inspector (also Officer in Charge Departmental Buildings, £260; and Supervisor Government Insurance Messengers, £65) . • ••■ ''0 Other Charges— 2 ' r ' :{ ~ Government Houses— 2 Auckland ■ ..600 8 Wellington ., • • } - 2 °0 4 Parliamentary Boildingi ■•• ■■ 2,000 (iovernment Buildings throughout the Colony — 5 I Departmental Buildings (including furnishing, Ac.) 6,900 C, Rents of offices for Government Departments 1,800 7 Courthouses ... ■•■ ■•• 2,800 Gaols 1.500 it Police-stationB ... • ••• •> ,*w 10 Customhouses ... ■■■ 500 11 Post and Telegraph Offices ... . ■ 6.250 12 Hospitals for Mental Diseases .. •■ 8 ,800 12 Quarantine Stations . ■• ••• 1,000 U Industrial and Training Schools L5 Buildings not specified ... ■• 3,000 Expenses in addition to or in excess of amount provided under " The Governor's Salary and Allowances Act, 1873 "— 16 Fuel, Light, Water, and Cleaning for Official and Reception Rooms. Outbuildings, and Grounds, Government Houses ... ■•• 200 , I 7 Furniture (or hire of same, including pianofortes) for, or renovation of, unofficial rooms in Government House, Wellington, and for official and unofficial rooms in Government House, Auckland ... 150 IS Telephones for Government Houses, Auckland and Wellington ... ... ■■• 5 2 l<.) Public Works workshops 20 Maternity Homes 21 Ponsonby Hall ... ••• l0 ° 22 Lamp and drinking-fountaiu, Royal Oak corner, junction of Onehunga Borough and Mount Roskill and One Tree Hill Road Districts (subsidy, £l for £1) ... 200 Iβ 17