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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


3—B. 7.


r»iii _ .. . Item «n. m •7-8. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES DEPARTMENT— continued. £ £ VOTE No. 5— continued. Othkk Chauokb — ■2 Payment for statistical returns of sickness and mortality l"><> :{ Extra clerical assistance ... ... • •■ 800 I- Postage and telegrams ... ... .. 100 o Contingencies ... ... ■ 150 1,500 Total — Vot| No. ~> ... . 2,940 LAND AND INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT. 1907-8. Lot ill number of offloen .. 87 VOTE No. 6. I 3a LABI El — Commissioner (also Valuator Deceased Pereoiis.Estates, £100) ... ... ... 700 Deputv Commissioner ... ... ... 175 Clerk in charge. Land-tax . •■• .. 300 Clerk in charge, Income-tax ... ... ... 800 Correspondence Clerk and Shorthand and Type Writer (3 months) ... .. ••■ 80 Receiver of Land and Income Tax (also Advances to Settlers Office, £25) .. ... 270 16 Clerks : 2 at £30D, 1 at £285, 2 at £270, 1 at £280, 1 at £220 2 at £210, 1 at £200,3 at £L80, 1 at £100, 1 at £130, 1 at £125 ... ... ... 3,450 1 Cadets : 1 at £70, 1 at £60, 1 at £50, 1 at £40 ... 220 Lodging-allowance: 2 at £26 ... ... ... 52 Messenger (also Advances to Settlers Office, £25) . 123 5,970 2 8 1 .") (i 7 8 '.) Hi Othkk Chauuks — 2 Advertising ... ■•• 250 3 Contribution to Valuation Department ... 8,500 4 Extra clerical assistance ... • 9,000 ."> Expenses in connection with temporary offices ... 200 (i Law-costs .. ... ... 1,800 7 Payment to Postal Department ... . 700 8 Postage and telegrams ... ... •■■ 2,000 9 Travelling-expenses ... ... 500 0 Contingencies ... ... • 150 22,800 Total—Votk No. 6 ... .. 28,770 RATES ON CROWN LANDS. VOTE No 7 1 Payable under the Crown and Native Lands Bating Acts, including full amounts payable in respect of security given by local bodies for loans— For current year, including arrears ... ... L,700 2 Paymeni of rates on Crown lands, as provided for in section 9 of "The Local Bodies' Loans Act Amendment Act, 19ur, '■ ••• .- 800 L.700 800 Total —Vote No. 7 ... ... 2,5'