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COPPEE. Several mineral licenses for copper have been taken up in the Auckland Provincial District. The areas are situated near Kaeo, and are in the watershed of the Pupuke Eiver, which drains into the south-east corner of Whangaroa Harbour. Very promising indications have been met with, assays made of the ore having given a high percentage of copper. A mineral license has been recently granted to mine for copper near Woodville, in the Hawke's Bay District. For some time past development-work has been going on at the copper-mine, Aniseed Valley, in the Nelson District, and a company with a fair capital has lately been formed to further develop the property. PEOSPECTING SUBSIDIES. The sum of £1,822 2s. 3d. was expended on subsidies to prospecting associations and parties of miners actually engaged in prospecting during the financial year ending the 31st March, 1906. I might here express an opinion that the day of the one-man prospector, however useful he may have nroved under earlier conditions, must be recognised as past, and to this end the regulations will be amended. In the best interests of the mining industry and the State, prospecting needs to be on more systematic lines. The success attending the labours of the Upper Blackwater Miners' Association, which recently made what appears to be a valuable discovery about twenty miles from Eeefton, shows what may be accomplished in this direction. While the Government will be ready to assist in work of this character, it is time to cry a halt in the distribution of subsidies to one or two men. What is needed in these times is larger parties, more capital, and the co-operation of the geologist and mineralogist with the practical miner. EOADS AND TEACKS. The expenditure on roads and tracks constructed by direct grants during the financial year ending the 31st March, 1906, amounted to £40,512 16s. 6d, and by way of subsidies to local bodies £4,625 14s. 4d., showing an increase of £8,433 os. 3d. over the preceding year. MINEEALS CODET AT THE EXHIBITION. It is intended to have a display indicative of the metalliferous and mineral wealth of the colony at the forthcoming International Exhibition at Christchurch. The Geological Survey Department will make a special exhibit. A separate building has been erected for the purpose of exhaustive analyses of New Zealand coals being made by the Government Analyst and. his assistants, and the Inspectors of Mines have been instructed to obtain samples from all the principal coal-mines in the colony. By this means we shall be in a better position than hitherto to judge the value of our coal-seams and to arrive at accurate conclusions as to their value for steam and industrial purposes. Analyses of specimens submitted will also be made, a small charge to be imposed to cover cost of chemicals, &c. A model of a coal-mine and an up-to-date screening plant will be exhibited; also a model hydraulic plant for the working of auriferous gravels, together with gold-saving appliances. A comprehensive Mining Handbook, with illustrations, will be issued at the Court. Three prize essays on the development of our mineral resources, for which substantial prizes and medals are being offered, will be circulated. ALEXANDEA WATEE-EACE. Early in the present year the Government acquired from the directors of the Alexandra-Bonanza Gold Dredging and Sluicing Company the various mining privileges held by that company, including special claim, hydraulic plant, dam at Greenland Swamp, main race, flume, bridges, dam at head of Wet Gully, and right of BlackweU's and Ida Valley races and tail-races. A report having since been obtained from officers of the Department as to the extension of the main water-race, the Government has authorised the expenditure of £2,000 on a branch race towards Alexandra. This branch race will cover about five miles, and will command sluicing-ground which could not otherwise be worked. The survey-work in connection with this branch- race is now in hand.