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Table 1. — RETURN of Field-work executed by the Staff and Contract Surveyors, from 1st April, 1905, to 31st March, 1906.

Surveyor and District. Minor Triangulation and Topographical Survey. Kural and Suburban. Town Section Survey. Native Land Court Survey. Gold-mining Surveys. Roads, Railways, and "Water-races. Other Work. Total Cost ol Surveyor and Party from 1st April, 1905, to 31st March, j 1906. Remarks. ■• ; .;! ; ;>; \ ... I,® . Acres. « g O Acres, jjj Acres, "g 2 •a Acres. «mQ Q 2, 3 Cost per Mile. Oost. ;'■•:::■ .: !■: ,AND ■IS' IGT OF AUi 1KLAND. i s. Staff Surveyors. J. Langmuir. Auckland, Opotiki, &c. d. 8. s. £ £ s. a. 679 19 2 £ s. a. 679 19 2 Q. A. Martin. Tutamoe, &c. W. J. Wheeler. Tauranga, Omapere, &c. H. D. M. Haszard. Hapuakohe, Waitoa, &c. D. I. Barron. Botoma, &c. 60,000 0-50 10,054 12,366 13,771 50,501 24 45 ■2<)\ 06! 1-79 1-08 0-98 0-65 337 14 .. ! i 19- 17 60-00 ■ i I j ! 7-80 34-23 1100 18-69 7-20 7-36 35-121 9-73 I 26 7 3 902 14 8 255 12 2| 973 12 9 240 6 51 1,026 12 0 228 15 0 889 0 4 Chiefly staff, Land Transfer, and contract survey inspections ; workers' dwellings scheme plans; laying aown new Imperial standard, also chain standards in different pares of district; interviewing surveyors throughout district re field-work, &o. Carried forward, £14 15s. 9d. Rough bush country; continuous rains delayea field-work. Carried forward, £358 9s. 8d. Forest and open. Scattered road and section surveys. Chiefly swamp. Cadet Clarke assisting. "Other work" is principally inspection, flax, timber, Warden's, and scenic reports. Carried forward, £248 11s. 8d. Mostly heavy forest. Brought forward, £1,035 16s. 7d. " Other work " is chiefly roadsurvey inspection, road-work, trig, renewals, reports, &c. Carried forward, £1,354: 5s. lid. Chiefly broken bush country. Brought forward, £586 3s. 2d. " Other work "is inspection, &o. Carried forward, £332 Is, 4d. Open, undulating country, Selwvn Settlement. Carried forward, £557 16s. < ;4d. Cadet Sherratt assisting. Very broken bush country. Brought forward, £472 5s. " Other work " is chiefly fieldinspection and revisional-work. Carried forward, £1,133 2s. 8d. Broken bush country. Brought forward, £549 10s. 5d. 5.000 acres in progress. Carried forward, £981 11s. Very broken bush country. Provisional settlement survey. Brought forward, £6103s. 10d.; carried forward, £1,124 8=s. 2d. R. S. Galbraith. Whareorino, &c. 12,500 1-73 7,980 •28 2-34 0-251 20-00 ! 42 0 10 818 2 2 H. F. Edgecumbe. Patetere, &c. •35,160 1.00 16,233 0-21 991 0 i\ A. G. Allom. Waiawa, Opotiki, &c. •16,027 225 3-55 7-00j 1819 155 7 1 989 4 10 1.05 • |- ' ■ I W. 0. O'Neill. Maungataniwha .. 814 7 7-69 1 799 17 0 •12,000 I H. T. Mitchell. Waioeka, &o. ! _„_ 822 7 6 0.60 '■ I i