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List of Applications and Advances— continued.


Local Authority. Provi- Advai Amount sionally Result applied granted of Poll or for. or Petition. New refused. Loans. Advai ices. ML joans of 'revious Yeais. Pnrpoee of Loan. Remarks. BOEOUGI I COUNl 3ILS— continued. £ 185,516 1,200 £ 24,523 £ 80,311 Constructing drainage and water-supply works Brought forward Pahiatua P.G. P.G. No poll required| No poll required! Under section 68 of the Act. Uncompleted. Palmeiston North Petone 10,000 2,350 R. P.G. 3,600 Constructing drainage-works. Constructing drainage-works Constructing high - pressure water - supply works R. T\ fi TV T _ 111 P.G. No poll I required No poll j required Declined. Under section 68 of the Act. Uncompleted. Uncompleted. 2,500 P.G. P.G. Carried Carried 500 Completing a sanitary depot Constructing high - pressure water - supply works. Extending the drainage system. Completing the waterworks Ross 200 G. No'poll 200 G. req mred G. Ditto 180 G. Br, No poll req uired Ditto 100 Under section 68 of the Act. Ditto. Declined. Stratford 180 8,000 Constructing drainage-works Forming and channelling streets, and extending waterworks Forming and channelling streets Completing and extending the waterworks.. Erecting abattoirs Completing and extending the waterworks.. Sumner R, Wai'hi '.'. 2,000 6,000 2,000 4.000 R. R. R. P.G. R. t> R. T» R. "It /"■< For two successive years' expenditure. Uncompleted. Uncompleted. Under section 68 of the Act. P.G. West Harbour .. Westport 2,000 500 P.G. G. P.G. G. No poll 500 required Constructing kerbed channels Completing the abattoir.. P.G. No poll required Rejected Woodville 1,400 1OLJ IIILCU P.G. Rejected Extending the water-supply to the western portion of the Borough. £ TC )WN BC lARDS. Bulls Otautau 600 £ i G. Carried 200 G. Carried £ 300 Completing construction of a bridge over the Rangitikei River at Bulls. Carrying out street improvements For three years' expenditure. £ Rl :ver Bi 3ARD. Hutt i £ I £ 5,000 Constructing river protective works. Berwick Eftham £ 600 LAND DI £ G. No' poll 300 J required G. Ditto 200 IAINAG1 £ 200 3 BOARDS. Constrvicting river protective works. Constructing drains and watercourses, &c. (No. 3) Constructing drains and watercourses, &c. (No. 4) Constructing drains and watercourses, &c. (No. 5) Completing the drainage of the Fencourt Esia.te Paying off an existing overdraft, and completing the new drainage-works and repairing damage done by floods Completing the new drainage-works and repairing damage done by flood Under section 14 of the Act. Ditto. 500 700 G. „ 200 Feneourt 900 P.G. Uncompleted. Maungatua 400 R. Not in compliance with terms of the Act, Under section 41 of " The Land Drainage Act, 1904." 100 G. No poll 100 required Te Rapa Wainono 657 400 P.G. Carried P.G. No poll required 500 Constructing drainage-works. Cutting drains in the district Repairing damage done by floods.. Uncompleted. Under section 41 of " The Land Drainage Act, 1904." Uncompleted. West Taieri 150 G. Carried 150 Widening, deepening, and fencing portions of the Duck Creek Canal. Constructing drainage-works »» • • 300 P.G. No poll required Under section 14 of the Act. Uncompleted. i Undeb Section 73 oi I F " The ] Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1901." Hon. Minister of Lands £ 48,013 2,150 28,705 I 36,651 * Totals.. 281,166 127,162 * £70,465 has to be d< Note.—P.G. means pi sduoted fri •ovisionall om this amount for loans refused. ly granted; &., granted E., refused.