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List of Applications and Advances— continued.


Local Authority. Amount applied for. Provii sionally granted or refused. Result of Poll or Petition. Aavi Loans of Previous Years. ices. _ Purpose of Loau. i Keiaarks. New Loans. GOUN 1 ty cou: 'NOILS — continued. £ 1 31,381 457 4,555 No poll ; 457 required £ 13,910 Completing the trimming and metalling of northern line and one mile of Mangapipi Road Trimming and metalling portion of KiwiteaTapuae Road Constructing and bridging MoBeth's Road.. Constructing the unmetalled roads in Kimbolton Township Providing three-quarters of the cost of constructing Coulter's Line Constructing Lagoon and Kelpie Roads. Completing the formation of Mangarere Road. Constructing Peka Road. Constructing Mangarere Biidge. Erecting traffic-bridge over Rangitikei River on Mangare Road. Providing half-cost of trimming and metalling Mangamako Road. Erecting bridges over the Opihi and Tengawai Rivers, and rebuilding a portion of the Tekapo River Bridge Providing half-cost of constructing Milner's Line, and cost of constructing Taikorea, Kellow's, and Pyke's Roads Purchasing land and constructing a road thereon leading to the Shannon Ferry i Brought forward Kiwitea G. Under section 14 of the Act. 1,148 G. Ditto 1,148 ■ Ditto. (iOO 050 G. P.G. ()00 Canied Uncompleted. »> • • 900 P.6. " ,, • • i 82 (500 172 100 187 . 1,000 Uncompleted. Mackenzie 2,500 P.G. Carried I Manawatu 400 G. No poll ! 400 i required Under section 68 of the Act. 250 P.G. Ditto Under section 14 of the Act. Uncompleted. 500 Providing half-cost of constructing Milner's Line, and cos't of constructing Taikorea, ■ Kellow's, and Pyke's Roads. Providing half-cost of constructing Milner's Line, and cost of constructing Jones', Tompkinp' j,nd other roads. Constructing a bridge and about three miles and a half of formation on the MastertonEast Coast Road Constructing a bridge over Taueru River on the Alfredton-Tinui Road Constructing head works and distributing races for supplying the Opaki Plain with water from the Ruainahanga River. Constructing a high-pressure water-supply for the suburb of Lansdowne. i 1,000 Under section 14 of the Act. Mastertou 2,750 G. No poll 1,000 re quired I 250 P.G. Uncompleted. 2,500 P.G. Rejected 3,000 P.G. Carried Uncompleted. 450 G. No poll required Ditto Constructing a bridge over Taueru River on Wilton's Road Metalling on the Wangaehu Road Metalling roads in the Oaks Estate Metalling on the Wangaehu Road Metalling on the Mount Baker Road Forming the Mangarai Road. Forming and gravelling a footpath on the eastern side of the Masterton-Waimata Road. Metalling the Te Ore Ore Estate Road. Constructing a public road running parallel with the Ruamahanga River. Metalling Mount Bruce Road. Constructing a bridge over Waihou River j at Mangaiti, including the approaches thereto ; and also a road through Nguntumanga Block to Waitoa Stream Extending the existing bridge across the Waioeka River. Forming roads in the county Constructing roads in the Hiwinui and Otangaki Ridings Under section 14 of the Act. Ditto. 300 300 1,000 450 G. G. G. G. 800 100 ,. . • I 100 300 Under section 14 of the Act. Uncompleted. Mauriceville Ohinemuri 1,700 P.G. No poll required - 150 Opotiki 2,000 G. - Carried ! 1,000 Oroua 4,000 5,450 R, £2,000 P.G. Declined. Only portion of loan approved. Uncompleted. Uncompleted. Otamatea 4,620 P.G. Carried Constructing roads in the Wairau, Whakapirau, and Paparoa Ridings, and the Road District of Matakohc Erecting a traffic-bridge over the Maugatainoka River on Pukewhai Road Pahiatua 250 P.G. No poll required Under section 14 of the Act. Uncompleted. Ditto. 50 P.G. Ditto Metalling portion of Ballance-Gorge Road.. Erecting a traffic-bridge over the Mangahao River at Marima Forming and metalling Bourke's Road. 810 110 Carried forward 67,356 .. ! 9,1(50 19,921 !