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With regard to erecting a residence for Mr. Blame, Registrar of the High Court and the Land Titles Court, I approve of your building on Section 10 if you are unable to acquire the house he is now living in on Section 7. I forward also a notice taking lands for roads at Avarua, Rarotonga, signed by the Governor. I have, &c, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. C. H. Mills.

Enclosures. Land taken for Township Purposes at Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Plunket, Governor. Whereas the land mentioned in the schedule hereto is required to be taken under " The Cook and other Islands Government Act Amendment Act, 1904," for the purposes hereinafter mentioned: Now, therefore, I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in exercise and pursuance of the powers and authorities in me vested by the said Act, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, do hereby notify that on the date of the publication hereof in the Cook Islands Gazette the land mentioned in the schedule hereto is hereby taken for the purposes of a township, to wit, the Township of Avarua. Schedule. All that piece of land, being Section 10, Tutakimoa, Settlement and District of Avarua, Island of Rarotonga, containing 157 ars, more or.less, starting at the junction of the Tutakimoa and Moss Roads on the southern side of Moss Road, thence along the western side of the Tutakimoa Road, southerly, 105 meters to the junction with the Vakatini Road; thence along the northern side of the Vakatini Road, westerly, 146"7 meters; thence northerly -102 meters to the southern side of the Moss Road; thence along the southern side of the Moss Road, easterly, 1595 meters to the starting-point. The said land is more particularly delineated in the plan deposited in the office of the Cook and other Islands Land Titles Court at Avarua, Rarotonga. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this 30th day of September, 1905 C. H. Mills.

Lands takes for Roads at Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Plunket, Governor. Whereas the lands respectively mentioned in the schedule hereto are required to be taken under "The Cook and other Islands Government Act Amendment Act, 1904," for certain public works, to wit, for roads at Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands: Now, therefore, I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in exercise and pursuance of the powers and authorities in me vested by the said Act, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, do hereby notify that on the date of the publication hereof in the Cool; Islands Gazette the lands respectively mentioned in the Schedule hereto are hereby taken for the purposes of roads. Schedule. All that piece of land, known as Tutakimoa Road, 10 meters wide, Settlement and District of Avarua, Island of Rarotonga, starting from the southern side of the Beach Road on the western side of Section 5, thence southerly 40 meters; south-easterly, 20 meters; southerly, 235 meters to the Vakatini Road. All that piece of land, known as Vakatini Road, 10 meters wide, Settlement and District of Avarua, Island of Rarotonga, starting from the western side of the Tutakimoa Road on the southern side of Section 10; thence westerly 280 meters to the St. Joseph's Road. All that piece of land, known as St. Joseph's Road, 10 meters wide, Settlement and District of Avarua, Island of Rarotonga, starting from the southern side of the Beach Road on the eastern side of Section 16; thence southerly 322 meters to the northern side of the Vakatini Road. All that piece of land, known as Moss Road, 10 meters wide, Settlement and District of Avarua, Island of Rarotonga, starting from the Tutakimoa Road on the northern side of Section 10; thence westerly 281 meters to the eastern side of St. Joseph's Road. The said lands are more particularly delineated in the plan deposited in the office of the Cook and other Islands Land Titles Court at Avarua, Rarotonga. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this 30th day of September, 1905. C. H. Mills.

No. 74. g IR Niue Island Administration, Niue, Ist October, 1905. I have the honour to present to you a Return of Exports from Niue for the Quarter ended the 30th September, 1905. The total value of Niue produce exported during the period amounts to £2,977, which is, I am pleased to say, considerably more than double the value of the exports for the corresponding quarter of last year, which amounted to £1,268.