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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.



1906-7. Salaries. Other Charges Total. £ £ £ £ ote 4.—Treasury Department 9,706 9,706 3 9,706 )i 5.—Friendly Societies Registry Office 825 825 5 1,900 2,725 ») 6.—Land and Income Tax Department 5,822 5,822 i 17,965 23,787 7. —Rates on Crown Lands 800 800 »» 8.—Treasury: Miscellaneous Services12,161 12,161 TOTAL OF CLASS II 49,179 16,353 12,826 item. i6-7. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1906-7. Total number of officers .. 49 £ VOTE No. 4. Salaries — Secretary to the Treasury, Receiver- and PaymasterGeneral (also Registrar New Zealand Consols, £50) Assistant Secretary to the Treasury and Accountant (also Secretary Civil Service Officers' Guarantee Board, £50) Corresponding Clerk Cashier 34 Clerks: 1 at £365, 2 at £310. 2 at £260, 1 at £255, 1 at £250, 1 at £245,1 at £235, 1 at £230,1 at £220, 3 at £210, 2 at £195, 2 at £190, 4 at £180,1 at £175, 1 at £160,1 at £125 (Typiste), 2 at £125, 1 at £115, 6at£105 8 Cadets : 6 at £75, 2 at £65 ... 2 Binders : 1 at £4 and 1 at £3 15s. per week 1 Messenger (7s. 6d. per diem) 800 600 350 320 6,515 580 403 138 Total —Vote No. 4 9,706 FRIENDLY SOCIETIES REGISTRY OFFICE. 1906-7. Total number of officers .. 5 VOTE No. 5. Salaries— Registrar Revising Barrister (also Assistant Law Officer. £550) Clerk Cadette Cadet ... .:. 400 75 230 70 50 Other Charges— Payment for statistical returns of sickness and mortality Extra clerical assistance Postage and telegrams for 3 months ending 31st March, 1907 Contingencies 825 2 3 4 350 1,350 5 100 100 Total—Vote No. 5 1,900 2,725