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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.



!tem.i 1906-7. GENERAL EXPENSES. 1906-7. Total number of officers .. 34 £ VOTE No. 3. Salaries — Library — Chief Librarian Assistant Librarian Second Assistant in Library Third Assistant Fourth Assistant Binder for Parliamentary Library Attendant Mailman during Session Messenger (10s. per diem) 475 320 220 220 130 178 170 50 156 Hansard Staff and Reporters — Chief Reporter 9 Reporters: 3 at £350, 5 at £310, 1 at £300 Hansard Supervisor (also Copy Supervisor, Government Printing Office, £225) Hansard Supervisor's Assistant Clerk (15s. per diem) Messenger (8s. per diem) Committee Reporters : 2 at £175 Extra Reporters, Select Committees Extra Assistance for Hansard ... ... 1,919 500 2,900 175 165 70 40 350 250 150 Custodian, Parliament Buildings Attendants, Custodian's staff— 2 at 9s. per diem 2 at 8s. per diem Gardener at 9s. per diem Night-watchman Assistant Night-watchman 4,600 350 329 290 140 168 110 1,387 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Other Charges— Cleaning up building previous to session ... Clerical assistance, Bellamy's ... Charwomen Cost of shield containing photographs of Legislative Councillors Electrician's Assistant ... ... Extra binding for books in library Extra labour, seeds, shrubs, and tools Gas, fuel, and electric lighting Grant to Bellamy's Gratuities to messengers, orderlies, library staff, and attendants, including Custodian's staff ... Library Linen, glassware, china, cutlery, plateware, towels, kitchen utensils, uniforms, and furniture, &c, for use of members in Bellamy's and Parliamentary Buildings Passages of members Passages and expenses of witnesses attending Committees of both Houses Printing of Hansard Postage and telegrams, including Parliamentary papers, for 3 months ending 31st March, 1907 ... 7,906 200 17 900 18 100 250 40 1,300 300 14 15 250 600 540 1,000 16 17 18 19 500 5,150 230