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Hawera Borough Council. Dear Madam,— Town Clerk's Office, Hawera, 6th July, 1906. I beg to forward you the following copy of a resolution passed at a meeting of this Council, held on the 4th instant: "That this Council desires to place on record its appreciation of the great public services of the late Right Hon. R. J. Seddon, Premier of the colony, and to express its deep regret at his untimely death, and its sympathy with Mrs. Seddon and family in their bereavement. I have, &c, Mrs. Seddon, Wellington. B. A. Meek, Town Clerk. Invercargill Borough Council. (Telegram.) Mrs. Seddon, Wellington. Invercargill, 22nd June, 1906. At the ordinary meeting of the Borough Council, held last evening, the following resolution was unanimously agreed to: " That this Council desires to place on record our sense of deep personal loss this colony has suffered by the death of our late Premier, the Right Hon. R. J. Seddon, P.C., and our profound sorrow and sympathy with yourself and members of your family in their irreparable bereavement." The meeting then adjourned. T. W. Walker, Acting Town Clerk. Karori Borough Council. Dear Madam, — - 16th June, 1906. It is with very great regret that this Council learn of the decease of the esteemed Premier of this country, one whose life has been devoted to the welfare of his country and whose loss is a national calamity. A resolution was passed on the 12th June, 1906, regretting the irreparable loss sustained by yourself and family, and a vote of sincerest sympathy and condolence in this your hour of trial. Yours, &c, Mrs. R. J. Seddon, Molesworth Street, Wellington. A. C. S. Darcy, Mayor. Lawrence Borough Council. Dear Madam, — Borough of Lawrence, Lawrence, 16th June, 1906. On behalf of myself, the Councillors, and the citizens of Lawrence, 1 desire to convey to you and the members of your family our deep sympathy with you and your family in your sad and irreparable loss. I have, &c, Mrs. R. J. Seddon, Wellington. J. B. McKinlay, Mayor. Levin Borough Council. Dear Madam, — 22nd June, 1906. I have the honour to forward you herewith a copy of a resolution passed by this Council at their last meeting, on the occasion of the lamented death of your husband and late esteemed Premier. The resolution referred to is as follows: " That the Mayor and Councillors, on behalf of the citizens of Levin, desire to express deepest and heartfelt sympathy with Mrs. Seddon and family, and to place on record the high appreciation of the many valued services rendered to the town and district by the late illustrious Premier." I also enclose a memento of our local memorial service, held on the day of the funeral. With great sympathy and respect, I have, (fee, Mrs. R. J. Seddon, Wellington. P. W. Goldsmith, Town Clerk. Lower Hutt Borough Council. Madam,— Lower Hutt, 12th June, 1906. I have the honour to inform you that a meeting of the Lower Hutt Borough Council had been called for last evening, and that upon assembling the Council passed the following resolution in silence: " That the Council adjourn until 7.30 p.m. on Monday next, the 18th instant, out of respect for the late Right Hon. R. J. Seddon, and that a letter be written to Mrs. Seddon, expressing to herself and family the heartfelt sympathy of the Mayor, Councillors, burgesses, and staff of the Borough of Lower Hutt in her distressingly sad bereavement through the sudden death of her beloved late husband, whose indefatigable efforts in the cause of humanity, and untiring energy in keeping this colony's prosperity to the front have earned for him a name and fame that will be perpetuated in our memory." Yours, &c, Mrs. R. J. Seddon, Wellington. P. R. Purser, Town Clerk. Lyttelton Borough Council. Dear Madam,— Town Clerk's Office, Lyttelton, 18th June, 1906. I have the honour, by direction of the Lyttelton Borough Council, to convey to you the following copy of minute recorded by request of the Council at a recent meeting: "That this meeting learns with profound regret the news of the sudden death of the Right Hon. the Premier, R. J Seddon, and desires to place on record its deep sympathy with Mrs. Seddon and family in the sad bereavement with which they have been overtaken. The Council also desires to express its high appreciation of the late Mr. Seddon's ability as a statesman, and of his great and distinguished services to this colony." I have, <fee, Mrs. Seddon, Wellington. G, A. Lewin, Town Clerk,