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Southland County Council. Dear Madam, — Invercargill, 16th July, 1906. I have the honour, by direction of the Southland County Council, to convey to yo.u the following resolution passed at the Council meeting held on 13th July instant, namely: " That this Council desires to place on record its keen sense of the loss sustained by the colony and the Empire in the universally lamented death of the late Premier, the Right Hon. R. J. Seddon, P.C., LL.D., and further to express its sincere sympathy with his sorrowing wife and family." Kindly accept of the foregoing. I have, &c, Mrs. Seddon, Wellington. A. J. Service, Acting County Clerk. Taranaki County Council. Dear Madam, — New Plymouth, 15th June, 1906. I have the honour, by direction of the Council, to transmit to you the following resolution of condolence in your very sad and painful bereavement, passed at the Council meeting on the 14th instant: " That this meeting of the Council of the County of Taranaki, with feelings of deepest sorrow, testifies its sense of the irreparable loss to the Empire and to the people of the colony by the sudden death of the late Right Hon. Richard John Seddon, Prime Minister of New Zealand, and offers its heartfelt condolence to the widow and family in the hour of trial and affliction." Being a native of Ross, part of the grand old gentleman's electorate, I would like to add my personal sympathy. You and your family have lost a good, kind husband and father. Westland's loss is immeasurable. I am, &c, Mrs. R. J. Seddon, Wellington. Robert Ellis, County Clerk. Tauranga County Council. (Telegram.) Mrs. R. J. Seddon, Wellington. Tauranga, 16th June, 1906. On behalf of the residents of Tauranga County, I beg to tender you heartiest and fullest measure of sympathy for your irreparable bereavement, which is a loss shared by the whole colony of New Zealand. J. A. M. Davidson, Chairman. Tuapeka County Council. Dear Madam, — County Council Chambers, Lawrence, 18th July, 1906. I have the honour to forward copy of resolution passed at last Council meeting, viz. : " That this Council desires to express its extreme regret at the sudden death of the late Premier, the Right Hon. R. J. Seddon, P.C., LL.D., and to place on record its sincere sorrow at the great and irreparable loss the colony and Empire have sustained by the death of a great statesman, whose work on behalf of the Empire and Colony of New Zealand will be ever remembered with feelings of appreciation and gratitude; also the County Council's deepest sympathy and condolence with Mrs. Seddon and family in their sad bereavement." I have, &c, Mrs. Seddon, Wellington. John J. Woods, Clerk. Vincent County Council. (Telegram.) Mrs. Seddon, Wellington. Clyde, 12th June, 1906. Chairman, Councillors, and inhabitants of Vincent County condole with you and family in your deep grief and the great loss New Zealand has sustained. James Horn. Waihemo County Council. Dear Madam, — Palmerston, 30th June, 1906. I have the honour, by instructions of the Waihemo County Council, to convey to you a copy of the resolution passed at the ordinary meeting of the Council: " That this meeting do now adjourn as a tribute of respect to the memory of our late Premier, Richard John Seddon; also convey to Mrs. Seddon and family our deepest sympathy with them in their irreparable loss." I have, <fee, Mrs. R. J. Seddon, Wellington. W. B. Galloway, County Clerk. Waipa County Council. Dear Madam, — Te Awamutu, 13th June, 1906. I am instructed by the Waipa County Council to convey to you and your family an expression of their sorrow for the great loss you have sustained, and their sympathy with you in your very sad bereavement. I remain, <fee, Mrs. R. J. Seddon, Wellington. Chas. Bowden, Clerk. Waipawa County Council. Dear Madam, — Waipawa, 16th July, 1906. I have the honour, by direction of the Waipawa County Council, to convey to you a copy of a resolution passed by that body at a meeting held on the sth instant, as follows: " That this Council desires to place on record its sense of the loss sustained by the colony and the Empire by the death of the late Premier, the Right Hon. R. J. Seddon, whose services have been of such ex-