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The Consul-General of Belgium, Australasia, to the Acting-Premier, New Zealand. Sir, — Melbourne, 12th June, 1906. It was with a feeling of profound regret that I heard of the death of the Right Hon. Richard John Seddon. I beg to extend my deep sympathy in this sudden and sad bereavement. I have, &c, F. HUYLEBROECK, Consul-General of Belgium for Australasia. Hon. W. Hall-Jones, Wellington, New Zealand. The Consul-General for Honduras to the Acting-Premier, New Zealand. La Republica de Honduras Consulado-General en Australia y Neuva Zealandia, Sir,— - Sydney, 18th June, 1906. I am directed by the Consul-General for Honduras to convey to Mrs. Seddon and family and to your people his deepest and heartfelt sympathy in your late sad bereavement by the loss of the Hon. R. J. Seddon, your predecessor, and whose loss to them and New Zealand will only be repaired by the effluxion of a very long time. I have, &c, C. Tartakover, Secretario. The Hon. W. Hall-Jones, Wellington. The British Consul, Noumea, to the Hon. W. Hall-Jones. Dear Sir, — Noumea, 21st June, 1906. Kindly allow me to convey my sincere condolence and regrets at the sudden demise of your late chief and Premier, the Right Hon. Richard John Seddon. New Zealand will miss the grand old gentleman, and one can hardly realise the fact that lie has ceased to be a part of our colonial Empire policy. Yours, &c, Thos. Maning, Vice-Consul de S.M. Britannique a Noumea. The Hon. W. Hall-Jones, Wellington. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. The Hon. W. M. Bolt to Mrs. Seddon. (Telegram.) Mrs. Seddon, Wellington. Dunedin, 16th June, 1906. From a full heart, my wife and I offer you and the family our deepest and tenderest sympathy. W. M. Bolt. The Hon. C. C. Bowen to Mrs. Seddon. (Telegram.) Mrs. Seddon, Wellington. Christchurch, 13th June, 1906. My family and I desire to express our heartfelt sympathy with you and your family in your grief for an irreparable loss. Charles C. Bowen. The Hon. H. Feldwick to Mrs. Seddon. (Telegram.) Mrs. Seddon, Sydney. Invercargill, 11th June, 1906. Heartfelt sympathy deep affliction. Henry Feldwick. The Hon. B. Harris to Mrs. Seddon. (Telegram.) Mrs. Seddon, Wellington. Auckland, 13th June, 1906. Accept my sincere sympathy for you and family in this severe sad trial. We are really sad here, but hope you will have sufficient strength left to bear your part. We mourn for a great good man. B. Harris. The Hon. T. K. Macdonald to Mrs. Seddon. (Telegram.) Mrs. Seddon, Sydney. Wellington, 11th June, 1906. We cannot express our deep grief and sorrow, and how our hearts go out to you in sympathy in these sad hours. Kennedy and Frances R. Macdonald. The Hon. Geo. McLean to Mrs. Seddon. (Telegram.) Mrs. Seddon, Wellington. Dunedin, 15th June, 1906. Hope you will accept from me assurance of my heartfelt sympathy in your own and family's bereavement in the loss of good husband and father remarkable for the affection h > entertained for you all—a noble example to others. Great statesman worthy to be held in great honour and esteem by the people. Geo. McLean.