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Session 11. 1906. NEW ZEALAND.


Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 19th September, 1906. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return showing—(l) The quantity and value of fish exported from this colony eaoh year whilst the bonus for export was in operation, the amount of bonus paid to be also stated ; and (2) the quantity and value of fish exported each year sinoe the bonus was discontinued." —(Mr. Stallwobthy).

Return showing the Quantity and Value of Fish exported from New Zealand each Year whilst the Bonus for Export was in Operation, and showing the Amount of Bonus paid.

Quantity and Value of Fish exported each Year since the Bonus was discontinued.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—-Preparation, not given; printing (1,425 copies), J£l 3s.

Authority: John Mackat, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o6

Price 3d.]

Year. Year. Quantity. Value. Bonus paid. 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Cwt. 3,101 4,662 6,729 8,719 5,733 4,774 3,408 1,403 1,385 1,503 1,857 1,938 1,976 2,781 2,549 2,412 1,771 1,678 1,282 £ 4,103 5,764 6,382 8,662 6,438 5,285 3,908 2,410 2,545 3,821 5,205 6,125 6,163 8,292 7,314 6,993 5,770 4,643 6,255 £ s. d. 459 11 3 1,181 2 2 1,059 12 0 860 13 10 938 14 11 644 8 6 561 13 6 348 13 11 304 13 4 328 7 0 647 10 2 667 18 10 673 12 6 1,155 0 8 967 11 9 901 0 10 541 15 3 610 7 3 297 0 7 Total 59,661 59,661 £106,078 £13,149 8 3

Year. Quantity. Quantity. Value. Cwt. .905 ... ... ... ... ... 1,229 lalf-year ended 30th June, 1906 ... ... 480 Cwt. 1,229 480 £ 6,446 2,159 Total ... ... ... ... 1,709 £8,605 I W . T. Glasgow, iary and Inspector. Department of Trade and Customs, Secret Wellington, 21st September, 1906.