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No. of Sheep on April 30, 1905. April 30, 1906. Selwyn County— continued. McCartney, H. J., Tai Tapu McCausland, C, Kimberley McClelland, D., Southbridge McClelland, Bros., Kimberley McClelland, Henry, Kimberley McClelland, James, Leeston McClure, David, Darfield McCormick, John, Kirwee McCormick, Thomas, Southbridge McCormick, W., Lakeside McCoy, John, Bakaia McCrostie Bros., Ellesmere McCrostie, C. L., Springston McCrostie, Hugh, Greendale McCrostie, J., Blllesmere McDonald, Alexander, Annat, McDonald, D., 89 Winchester Street, St. Albans McDrury, P., Halswell McEvedy, Peter, Southbridge McGivern, D., Hororata McGivern, J., Hororata McGough, O., Halswell McGregor, A., Selwyn McGregor, S., North Bakaia McGuire, Thomas, Bakaia McHugh, Patrick, Darfield Mcllraith, J. A. (Executors of), Eiversleigh, Glentunnel Mcllwraith, J. H., Bakaia Mcllwraith, E., Southbridge Mcllrath, Hamilton, Springfield Mcintosh, Ewen, Glenroy Mcintosh, James, Kirwee McKay, George, Halkett Town McKay, Bobert, Cora Lynn, Bealey McKee, J., Killinchy McKee, T., Southbridge McKenzie, John, Castle Hill McKie, W., Kirwee McLachlan, Alexander, Doyleston McLachlan, Archibald, jun., Doyleston McLachlan, John, jun., Leeston McLaughlin, Alexander, Taumutu McLaughlin, James, Darfield McLean, Hugh, Greenpark McLenaghan, Hugh, Killinchy McLennan, C., West Melton McLennan, D., West Melton McMeehan, W., Springston McMillan, D., Waddington McMillan, J., c/o D. McMillan, Southbridge McMillan, John, Dunsandel McMillan, W., Irwell McNae, Archibald, Sheffield McNae, Henry, Courtenay McPherBOn, A. J. and A. D., Southbridge ... McPherson, J. and H, Lakeside McSweeney, W., Kirwee Miller Bros., Doyleston Milliken, John, Springfield Mitchell, J. F., Ellesmere Moir,W., Styx Monck, A. S., Sumner Montgomery, H., Southbridge Moon, William, Domain Grounds, Sydenham Moorhead, James, Southbridge Morland, Thomas, Craig, Bakaia Morrish, F. E , Springston Morrison, P., Darfield Morten, B. M., Mt. Pleasant, Christchurch . Mount Magdala (Trustees of), Christchurch Muirhead, John, Templeton Mulholland, Daniel, Darfield Mundie, W., Ellesmere Murchison, J., Acheron, Lake Coleridge Murchison, John, Lake Coleridge Murchison, Mrs. J., Glenthorne, Luke Coleridge Murison, John, Eolleston Murray-Aynsley, Mrs. A. C, Manuka Point, and Mount Algidus, Christchurch Murray, F. C, Lincoln 365 797 118 1658 296 97 929 306 240 1274 884 1712 828 2834 84 1315 494 87 378 297 94 94 390 2139 442 96 487 508 343 389 3970 84 62 5904 52 787 448 195 196 Nil 765 469 1458 417 186 1279 334 42 236 400 1583 1276 830 2134 634 140 87 1270 224 45 100 321 97 87 332 2225 328 181 471 485 320 489 4282 72 66 6007 250 1190 199 174 274 2 2126 81 152 399 910 1985 1483 1560 2710 278 386 326 323 306 157 7920 Nil Nil 614 39 156 92 4470 465 642 8500 Nil 88 2561 100 12510 17221 6011 1426 97 796 1281 1229 1256 1224 2463 273 298 461 332 1000 171 7000 564 131 916 36 167 94 532 968 8600 216 258 2796 72 11612 16694 6547 530 16150 497 16000 1599 1650

No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1905. 1906. Selwyn County— continued. Murray, B. W., Halswell Napier, Colin, Hororata Napier, James, Dunsandel Napier, W., Glenroy Narbey, F., jun., Kirwee Needham, T., Yaldhurst Nelson, Andrew, Waddington Nelson, Margaret, Hororata Neutye, H. D., Annat Newlove, M. H., Dunsandel Nicholl, C. L., Burnham Nicklaus, J. F., Yaldhurst Nilson, W. H., Southbridge Nixon, J. W. C., Kirwee Nixon, W. A., Dunsandel Nixon, William, Killinchy Nolan, John, Ladbrook's Nuttall, Andrew, Annat Oakley, William, Halkett Osborne, H., Ladbrook O'Neill, E. G., Killinchy O'Boyle, F., Leeston O'Boyle, J., Lakeside O'Boyle, J. N,, Leeston O'Boyle, Patrick, Leeston O'Brien, Daniel, Killinchy Odgors, Edward, Springfield Oliver, William, Hororata O'Malley, George, Kirwee O'Neil, M, Lincoln O'Neill, Benjamin, Doyleston Orsbourn, D. J., Glenroy Osborne, Job, Doyleston Osborne, Job, Loch Led, Motukarara OBborne, Job, Winfield, Doyleston 0'Shaugne8sy, W., Springfield Osterholt, F., Tai Tapu Overton, Henry, Fendalton Overton, Henry, Lakeside Overton, T. H. and C. T., Bockwood, Glentunnel Page, Harry, Kirwee Page, W. II., Ellesmere Pannett, E. F., Greenpark Pannett, H., Blandville Pannett, J. S., Greenpark Parish, Amos, Burnham Parkin, C. E., Eakaia Patrick, T. J., Bankside, Bakaia Pashby, Bobert, Killinchy Paterson, H., Prebbleton Paulger, J. W., Irwell Pawsey, B. S., West Melton Pearce, H. J., Templeton Pearce, T., Springston Pearson, J. B., Aylesbury Pearson, J. H., Coalgate Pearson, Mrs. William, Lincoln Pearson, S., Lincoln Peat, Edward, Brookside Percy, James, Yaldhurst Peryman, H. E., Tai Tapu Petrie, D., Kowai Bush Phillips, G. S., Templeton Phillips, T. A., Wind whistle Phillips, W., Weedon Pickering, William, Glenroy Pitkin, E. P., Templeton Poole, G. W., Killinchy Pope, John, Springfield Powell Bros., Grove Farm, Springston Powell, J. W., Greenpark Prebble, J. W., Prebbleton Prestidge, Charles, Hororata Prestidge, F. H., Coalgate PreBtidge, J., jun., Coalgate Prestidge, Joseph, Hororata Proctor, J., Bussell's Flat Purdie, Henry, Dunsandel Eainey, E., Lincoln Eedfern, J. O., Darfield Eeid, E. and J., Darfield Beid, William, Darfield 118 313 56 477 70 482 216 1099 100 8 240 1016 1435 2193 3179 54 272 256 328 95 197 427 1500 391 295 614 664 140 173 640 364 851 206 548 66 863 3158 1846 427 309 66 492 259 154 Nil 231 707 70 10 200 811 640 151 2728 87 241 198 462 93 164 549 146 1426 534 290 506 557 95 193 549 Nil 898 464 378 17 Nil 971 3816 1315 376 401 346 261 227 280 60 245 263 365 192 180 961 376 35 195 150 Nil 36 1579 97 377 9366 1156 600 Nil 64 84 452 98 300 50 149 159 283 115 Nil 99 1569 1009 3641 354 198 211 97 254 194 415 280 122 848 600 270 160 133 92 200 119 492 9323 983 800 40 48 56 369 99 232 114 97 251 76 111 776 120 1376 1637 3715