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WESTPORT HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 32 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 150 Total under treatment ... ... ... 182 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 145 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 25 Sex. —l 47 males, 35 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Buller district, Wellington, shipping. Country. —England, 32; Ireland, 37; Scotland, 29; Wales, 2; New Zealand, 67; Australia, 7 ; America, 2 ; Germany, 6 Religion.— Church of England, 65 ; Roman Catholic, 52 ; Presbyterian, 35; Methodist, 25; Plymouth Brethren, 3 ; Freethinker, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 10,971; individual average days' stay, 6028. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 7d. ; less patients' payments, 3s. 2d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 181 ; attendances, 589. - Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 567 1 0 Rations ... ... ... 669 0 6 Local bodies... ... ... 493 3 10 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 55 16 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 284 7 4 Surgery and dispensary ... 188 7 8 Rents ... ... ... 44 3 6 Fuel and light... ... ... 139 8 5 Patients'payments ... ... 221 5 2 Bedding and clothing ... ... 30 6 7 Other sources ... ... 350 10 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 48 2 11 Salaries and wages ... ... 724 211 Funerals ... ... ... 26 18 0 Repairs ... ... ... 4 11 2 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery, &c. ... ... 31 10 1 Insurance ... ... ... 9 13 4 Other expenses ... ... 32 12 10 Total ... ... £1,960 11 1 Total ... ...£1,960 11 1 Visited 7th January and 15th July, 1906. —The Board has made up its mind to build a new up-to-date Hospital. I have approved the plans, subject to certain conditions, but taking no responsibility for the amount to be expended. The foundations were in at the date of the second visit. I have, however, in my last year's report, expressed the opinion that this and the Grey River Hospital are the only expensive, because fully equipped, hospitals required in the whole coastal district. The old building is quite out of date, and is largely an Old Men's Home. The institution is well administered, and the medical work and the nursing are well done. WHANGAREI HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1905 ... ... ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 110 Total under treatment ... ... ... 119 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 96 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Remaining on 31st March, 1906 ... ... 10 Sex. —88 males, 31 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Whangarei County, 87; Bay of Islands County, 9; Whangaroa County, 2 ; Hobson County, 1 ; Otamatea County, 1 ; Auckland, 3; unknown, 7. Country. — England, 14; Scotland, 9; Ireland, 11 ; New Zealand, 55; Australia, 6; Nova Scotia, 1; Germany, 1; Denmark, 2 ; Austria, 4; Sweden, 1; Norway, 2 ; Switzerland, 1; Spain, 1; Finland, 1; Jersey, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 56 ; Roman Catholic, 20 ; Presbyterian, 16 ; Wesleyan, 6; Baptist, 2 ; Lutheran, 2; Salvationist, 1; Mormon, 3; Plymouth Brethren, 1; unknown, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,838 ; individual average days' stay, 23-85. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 2d.; less patients' payments, ss. lOd.