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No. 51. Union Steamship Company of New Zealand (Limited), Dunedin, 25th August, 1905. Sir, — Re Cook Islands. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of the 14th instant, informing me that, the accommodation-house at Rarotonga is now complete, and asking whether the company can now establish a fortnightly service from New Zealand to Rarotonga. I have looked into the matter very closely, and regret that we cannot at the present moment undertake to establish a fortnightly service for passenger purposes, as the monthly steamer now engaged in the trade is more than sufficient to carry not only the passengers, but also all the cargo offering. I shall be pleased, however, to offer inducement to persons to risit Cook Islands for temporary residence by granting return tickets at single fare. To my mind it is doubtful whether the Cook Islands can at short notice furnish sufficient marketable fruit to load a second steamer, apart altogether from the question whether New Zealand can absorb another cargo per month in addition to present supplies. If it is desired to try the experiment of a second steamer for the carriage of fruit for three or four months next season, it might be well to have the matter arranged some time beforehand, so that producers in the Group may prepare for it. I would suggest also that the Resident Agent be asked to report as to how far additional supplies of first-class marketable fruit will be available. Not less than 1,000 tons will be required for a second steamer in excess of what the present steamer can carry. I have, &c, James Mills, Managing Director. Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister of Customs, Wellington.

No. 36.

No. 52. Sih, — Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, 29th August, 1905. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th July, forwarding draft notices taking land for a landing-place and i oad at Atiu, and a road at Mangaia. These have now been approved and signed by His Excellency the Governor, and I forward them herewith for publication in the Cook Islands Gazette. I have, &c, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. C. H. Mills.

No. 23.

Enclosures. Lands taken for Landing-place and Road at Atiu, Cook Islands. Plunket, Governor. Whereas the lands respectively mentioned in the Schedule hereto are required to be taken under '" The Cook and other Islands Government Act Amendment Act, 1904," for certain public works, to wit, for a landing-place and a road at Atiu, Cook Islands: Now, therefore, I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in exercise and pursuance of the powers and authorities in me vested by the said Act, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, do hereby notify that on the date of the publication hereof in the Cook Islands Gazette, the lands respectively mentioned in the Schedule hereto are hereby taken for the purposes of a landing-place and a road respectively, as mentioned in the said Schedule. Schedule. Land for landing-place: All that piece of land at Taunganui, Island of Atiu, containing 42 ars, more or less, starting from a tou-tree; thence southerly B'4 meters to the centre of the Main Road, which is easterly 1247 meters from the new flagstaff; thence southerly 25"2 meters; thence westerly 124 - 7 meters to the coast; thence along the coast 252 meters to the new flagstaff; thence along the coast 8"4 meters; thence easterly 124"7 meters to the tou-tree at the starting-point. Land for road: All that piece of land in the Island of Atiu, 10 meters wide, starting from a point which is southerly 8"4 meters from the tou-tree at the north-east corner of the Taunganui Landing-place; thence south-easterly, 35T6 meters; easterly, 16T7 meters; south-easterly, 254 meters; easterly, 165 - 9 meters; south-easterly, 1271 meters; southerly, 393"1 meters; south-easterly, 659 - 5 meters; easterly, 585-8 meters; south-easterly, 252 - 6 meters; southerly, 44 meters, to the northern corner of the stone wall of the enclosure Te Ari-o-te-Rangi at the settlement. Area,' 3 hectars, more or less. The said lands are more particularly delineated in the plan deposited in the office of the Cook and other Islands Land Titles Court at Avarua, Rarotonga. A copy of the said plan is also deposited in the office of the Resident Agent at Atiu. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this 27th day of August, 1905. C. H. Mills.