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Five marks will be awarded as full points for efficiency for each trumpeter. The possible marks to count for the Challenge Shield are 20 for the four trumpeters allowed on the establishment of the corps. Fort-manning. The examination in fort-manning will be conducted by the A.5.0., or an officer of the R.N.Z.A. deputed by him. For this examination the fort is to be fully manned as for service practice—once by day and once by night. The inspecting officer will note the fire discipline, and will cause every probable casualty to be made in both materiel and personnel, so as to thoroughly test all ranks in their duties. He will note all errors made, and deduct marks accordingly. Full instructions as to how this is to be carried out will be supplied confidentially to officers who are deputed to act for the A.S.O. in the absence of the latter. Full marks, 100. As soon as the examination of the whole company has been completed, the Officer Commanding R.N.Z.A. will furnish the following return to the A.5.0., together with a detailed report on the company, explaining how marks were awarded. This report is to be forwarded separate from the practice report. It is to be made confidential, and the marks gained by the company are to be kept confidential until the publication of the results in " General Orders." Conditions for the Competition for the New Zealand Field Artillery Challenge Shield, 1905-6. Section 1. Grading of Batteries. The New Zealand Field Artillery Challenge Shield will be awarded to the battery that obtains the highest number of marks in the examination for efficiency as laid down in the following conditions, and is therefore by examination found to be the most efficient battery of Field Artillery in New Zealand. Any infringement of these regulations will disqualify a battery. The Artillery staff officer will depute officers to carry out the examinations of the various batteries, and he will decide the results and make his award, which will be final. The award will be published in " General Orders," and the shields will be held by the winning battery until the publication of the next year's awards. On the results of these examinations field batteries will be graded thus: — A grade, for each battery that obtains 70 per cent, of the total marks, if the battery has not classified lower than second class in its annual classification practice. B grade, for each battery that obtains over 60 per cent, and under 70 per cent, of the total marks, providing the battery has not classified lower than third class. C grade, for all batteries that obtain over 50 per cent, and under 60 per cent, of the total marks, irrespective of the classification for practice. Batteries that obtain a less percentage than 50 will not be graded, whatever their classification may be. Section 2. Discipline. A battery is to be considered as under examination from the commencement to the termination of the training-camp. Special attention is to be paid to the discipline of the corps, and marks will be deducted by the Artillery staff officer, or the officer deputed by him, for any slovenly work throughout the camp, such as — (_.) Late falling-in %n parade. (6.) Bad discipline on parade, or lack of smartness. (c.) Bad discipline in camp, such as disturbance after " Lights out," camp routine not properly carried out, tents and lines not clean, <_c. (d.) Non-commissioned officers and men improperly dressed outside the preciuts of the camp, (c.) Slackness in saluting officers, <_c. Penalties for bad discipline in accordance with above will be made by deductions from the total marks awarded for the efficiency and attendance, which deductions must not exceed 5 per oent. — i.e., 1 per cent, under each of the above sub-headings. Section S. Attendance. For every parade held during the training-camp, 1 point will be awarded for each attendance. Example. —lf the strength of the corps is eighty all ranks, and thirty-one parades were held during the training-camp, the possible number of marks would be 80 x 3l = 2,480 ; but if there were only 1,984 attendances, the percentage for attendance would be = °' 80 ' or 80 marks - The attendance at all parades must be checked by an officer of the staff or the senior instructor present. Half a mark may be deducted from the attendance-marks of any man for each parade that he attends late. Marks will not be lost by the absence of men through sickness as a result of injury incurred on duty. Officers, non-commissioned officers, and men absent from the district will not count as on the strength of the corps for this calculation.