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Session 11. 1906. NEW ZEALAND.


Laid before Parliament in pursuance of Section 25 Subsection (5) of " The Police Provident Fund Act, 1899."

The Board have to report that during the year ended 31st March last two sergeants, a detective, and ten constables were retired with annual allowances under the Act and placed on the Fund. The particulars are as follows :—

Constable Andrew Lynd was granted eleven months' pay (£133 16s. Bd.) on retiring, under section 12, subsection (2). The death of ex-Sergeant John Watson Forbes, who was retired from the Force on the 30th April, 1903, with a life allowance of £81 Bs. 2d. per annum, occurred on the 19th August, 1905, and that of ex-Constable Joshua Hutchison, who was retired from the Force on the 20th December, 1904, with a life allowance ot £93 Is. 6d. per annum, on 23rd August, 1905. There were on the 31st March last three ex-Inspectors, fifteen ex-sergeants, thirty-one exconstables, three ex-detectives, two widows, and three children on the Fund, their aggregate annual allowance being £5,037 lls. Id. The balance-sheet and statement of receipts and disbursements, as required by section 25 of the Act, are hereto annexed, from which it will be seen that on the 31st March there was a balance to the credit of the Fund of £27,121 2s. 6d., being an increase of £2,245 lls. 4d. on the amount at the corresponding date of the preceding year. Bth June, 1906. James McGowan, Chairman.

Rank and Name. Age. Length of Annual Service. Allowance. Section of Act under which retired. Sergeant Barlow, John .. detective Benjamin, Lionel Downman Nonstable Christie, Andrew „ Franklin, James Fretwell, Henry „ Hobson, John Meade .. Jobnstc n, Henry Kelly, Robert McGorman, John O'Connor, James „ Eist, William James „ Kyan, John iergeant Shirley, Paul 64 59 51 49 52 4G 51 64 65 54 56 59 60 40 years 28 , 20 , 26 „ 30 „ 21 , 29 . 26 , 32 „ 26 „ 31 „ 25 „ 33 „ £ s. d. 120 9 0 123 9 10 54 15 0 71 3 6 73 0 0 57 9 9 79 7 9 71 3 6 87 12 0 71 3 6 84 17 3 68 8 9 110 8 3 13 12 \'2 12 12 12 12 13 18 12 12 12 12