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No. 5.—Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery— continued.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date and Nature of Accident. Cause of Accident, and Bern arks. R. Hannah and Co., Lambton Quay, J Wellington Southland County Council, Invercargill Edge- trimmer machine Rd. Howitt; 40 years 13th October, 1905: injured one of his fingers j 14th October, 1905: broken arm. [ Finger came in oontact with cutter while the maohine was in motion. Payne attempted to pull engine over dead centre (by fly-wheel) while the steam was turned on to the engine. Page placed his thumb underI neath the stamp when stamping a boot. Armstrong leant on to the crank-shaft in mill while the machinery was in motion, when his ooat caught in the shaft, breaking the small bone in his arm. While Wilson was moulding a piece of timber in the machine he accidentally brought his left hand in contact with the knives. The wood Harris was planing slipped and his fingers oame in contact with the knives of the machine. Thompson's finger came into contact with the knife while he was working at the pres3. Traction-engine Hy. Payne; 33 years" R. Hannah and Co., Lambton Quay, Wellington Peter Dromgool, Waiuku Trade-mark embossing - machine Flax-mill Samuel Page ; 18 years 16th October, 1905: top of thumb jammed Harry Armstrong ; 24 years i 19th October, 1905: small bone of arm broken A. J. Rand, 61 Adelaide Road, Newtown M o u 1 d i n g-ma-chine W. Wilson; 50 years 3rd November, 1905: thumb taken off and top joint of first finger of left hand C. E. Otley, 293 Madras Street, Christchurch Planing-machine Alfred Harris; 21 years 8th November, 1905 : , two fingers cut Skelton, Frostick, and Co., 133 Hereford Street, Christchurch Beam press Thomas Jas. Thompson; 41 years 15th November, 1905 : loss of two joints of forefinger of right hand 16th November, 1905 : loss of finger-nail and portion of the top of second finger of right hand 28th November, 1905: compound fracture of arm with laceration of flesh 29th November, 1905: left hand so badly injured by fan that it had to be amputated 2nd December, 1905: right arm scalded Skelton, Frostick, and Co., 133 Hereford Street, Ohristchurch Leather-rolling machine Leslie Smith ; 17 years Smith's fingers were caught in gearing of machine while attempting to remove a bit of leather from machine while it was in motion. Wright attempted to shift a belt of machine while it was in motion, when his arm caught and was drawn in. Woodley plaoed his arm too near the fan while it was in motion, crushing it severely. The New Zealand Pice Company, Invercargill Planing-machine Wm. Wright; 49 years Taranaki Produoers' Freezing Works Company (Limited), New Plymouth Air-fan Jno. Woodley; 23 years Wellington Electric Light and Power Company, Harris Street, Wellington W. Cable and Co., Waterloo Quay, Wellington Main steam-pipe T. Jones; 30 years Jones was scalded by the bursting of a main steam-pipe on top of one of the boilers. The pipe was defective. MoMurrick was shifting the belt on cones to alter speed of lathe. Evidently used wrong hand to do this, and got it caught between the belt and cone. Smith placed his hand on the feed-roller to assist, himself in rising from the floor. In doing this he accidentally pushed the belt on to the fast pulley, oausing the machine to start. Thrush got his fingers into friction rolls of machine. Lathe D. MoMurrick; 17 years 11th December, 1905 : sprained wrist Skelton, Frostiok, and Co., 133 Hereford Street, Christchurch Leather-splitting machine Leslie Smith ; 17 years 12th December, 1905 : nail torn off thumb, thumb squeezed, first | finger burst, joint of j second finger damaged The Waverley Co-opera-tive Dairy Faotory Company F. and A. Seed, Purapura Sawmill, Mungaroa Butter - worker machine Charles Thrush; 22 years 17th December, 1905; crushed forefinger of j left hand 18ih December, 1905 : two joints of first three fingers of left hand taken off 16th January, 1906 : top of finger cut off Circular-saw John Mahuika; 24 years Mahuika allowed his fingers to come into contaot with the Lathe raw. W. Cable and Co., Waterloo Wellington D. Campbell; 17 years Campbell attempted to clean the top of the turning-tool while the lathe was in motion, and lost the top of his finger. James was sitting on seat, with with his foot projecting over the edge of cage, when his foot got jammed between the wall and the oage. Anderson was working at the emery stone when it went to pieces, part of it striking him on the chest. Collett was cleaning the tool whilst the lathe was in motion, when his finger was caught The Royal Cafe Company (Limited), Cathedral Square, Christchurch Lift .. Albert James; j 14 years 29th January, 1906: crushed and swollen foot Robertson and Co., Wei lington Emery-grinder .. W. Anderson ; 17 years 9th February, 1906: emery stone broke and struck him on the chest 10th February, 1906; i nail of finger taken off W. Cable and Co., Waterloo Quay, Wellington Lathe F. Collett; 18 years