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No. \, (a.) Retuen showing the Number of Land Boilers and Machinery for which Certificates were issued during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1906. Boilers-Stationary-Five-horse power and under, 1,281 ; 10-horse power and over o-horse power, 788; over ]0-horse power, 1,468: total, 3,537. Portable—Five-horse power and under, 160; 10-horse power and over 5-horse power, 1,168: over 10-horse power, 346 : total, 1,674. Total boilers, 5,211. Machinery— Hydraulic lifts, 290 ; gas-lifts, 34 ; gas and water lifts, 1; oil-lifts, 6 ; electric lifts, 85 ; steam and water lifts, 12 ; gas and hydraulic hoists and electric motors, 268 ; water engines, motors, and water-wheels, 141; Peltons, 105; turbines, 78; gas-engines, 932; oilengines, 413 ; steam machinery, 835 : total machinery, 3,200. Grand total, 8,411. (b.) Retuen showing the Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery, and for the Issue of Engine-drivers' Certificates during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1906. Fees payable—On boilers, £6,158 10s.; on machinery, £350 17s. 6d. ; for engine-drivers' certificates issued, £495 10s. : total, £7,004 17s. 6d. Government boilers and lifts inspected, but not charged, represent the further sum of £88 2s. 6d. The cash actually received for boilers and machinery and paid into the Public Account amounted to £7,198 16s. The difference is caused by boiler-owners paying late fees. The cash actually received and paid into the Public Account for engine-drivers' application fees amounted to £662 12s. 6d. for the financial year ended the 31st March, 1906. This amount includes fees for certificates not yet issued. (c.) Return showing the Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding and Traction and Locomotive Engine Drivers and to Steam Stationary-engine Drivers, during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1906. Steam winding : Service 1, fees 55.; competency 25, fees £12 10s. : total fees £12 15s. Traction and locomotive : Competency 216, fees £108 ; total fees, £108. Steam stationary : Service—First-class 11, fees £2 15s. Competency—Extra first-class 5, fees £5; first-class 181, fees £181; second-class 372, fees £186 : total fees, £374 15s. Summary of certificates issued : Service—Winding, 1 ; stationary, 11 : total 12, fees (service), £3. Competency—Winding, 25 ; traction and locomotive, 216; stationary, 558 ; fees, £492 10s. Total: Winding certificates, 26; fees, £12 15s. Traction and locomotive certificates, 216 ; fees £108. Stationary certificates, 569; fees, £374 15s. Total certificates, 811; total fees, £495 10s.

No 2 Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1906.

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. A number of rivets in shell bad A number of screwed stays in firebox wasted All screwed stays in firebox bad Back tube-plates bulged ... Back tube-plate cracked ... Badly pitted inside shell ... Bottom of shell grooved inside at circumferential seams Bottom of shell thin Bottom of steam-dome wasted Boilers dirty inside Brickwork setting defective Bulged under bottom of shell Compensating-rings round manhole-doors wasted Considerable waste on outside of shell Coupling-pins in longitudinal stays bad Cracked slightly at a number of rivet-holes ... Cracked slightly in firebox Cracked in front tube-plate Cross-tubes thin ... Crown of firebox buckled and side-sheets thin Crown of firebox slightly bulged Crown of firebox badly bulged "a 5 14 13 14 16 5 5 1 14 3 2 3 70 23 23 3 2 2 15 4 1 6 5 15 12 1 8 1 6 5 1 14 3 1 3 62 22 17 3 2 2 15 4 1 6 3 15 9 2 3