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No. 10. The Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Sib, — Resident Agency for New Zealand, San Francisco, 30th August, 1905. I have the honour to report that the R.M.S "Ventura," with the homeward mails, arrived at this port at 5 p.m. on Monday, the 21st instant. As the arrival was too late to effect a connection with the evening train under ordinary circumstances, Messrs. Spreckels Bros, arranged for a tug to proceed to the quarantine ground and take off the mails, which were conveyed to the Oakland Wharf and put on the 7 p.m. train, which overtook the overland train at Reno, Nevada, resulting in a connection with the s.s. " Campania " at New York at 12 noon on Saturday. The performance of the " Ventura " and the experience with the other vessels during the past few years would seem to favour the impression that these vessels cannot under the present runningschedule arrive at this port sufficiently early to insure a connection that will result in an unfailing connection with the Saturday's Atlantic steamer, especially during the winter. I am given to understand that the hour for sailing from Auckland at present is 3 p.m., which enables the steamer to visit Pago Pago during daylight on the fifth day, but does not permit of an arrival at Honolulu during daylight of the next Monday. Consequently slow time is made between these points, which enables coal to be saved, and the vessel arrives at Honolulu first thing on Tuesday morning, which, of course, delays the arrival here by many hours. Now, if an arrangement could be made whereby the steamer could leave the port of Auckland at 10 a.m. it would be possible, so I am informed, to arrive at Honolulu on Monday in time to leave there the same night, which would insure a Monday morning (if not a Sunday night) arrival here, and stich a result would be very desirable during winter. This arrangement would, of course, necessitate some alteration of the coasting service; but the advantages to the through time probably would be considered of sufficient importance to justify the rearrangement of the local time-table. I should be pleased to hear from you upon this proposal, and hope there are not circumstances that will prevent such an alteration of the local connections at Auckland. I have, &c, H. Stephenson Smith, Resident Agent. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. [Agr. 05/44.]

No. 11. The Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Sir, — Resident Agency for New Zealand, San Francisco, Ist September, 1905. I have the honour to report that I am advised by the Railway mail-service that seventysix bags of letter mail, consisting of sixty-two bags London to Australia (? New Zealand), six bags of American letters and eight bags London to Honolulu, were left by train No. 1 on the Southern Pacific Railroad at Ogden, on the 29th August, and will not arrive at this city until midday of the Ist September. Upon receipt of this information I requested the agents of the Oceanic Steamship Company to hold the steamer " Ventura," appointed to leave at 8 p.m. on the 31st August, until the arrival of these mails, and at once waited on the manager of the Southern Pacific Railroad and asked that every endeavour be made to accelerate the arrival of the train due here at 12.50 p.m. The manager agreed to switch the mail-car at Sacramento so as to arrive here at 11.20 a.m., and the " Ventura " will depart as soon after that hour as possible. This unfortunate occurrence is most annoying, and I have asked the Superintendent of the United States Mail-service, located in this city, to furnish an explanation of the occurrence. I have, &c, H. Stephenson Smith, Resident Agent. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. [Inc. 05/38.]

No. 12. Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, Auckland, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Oceanic Steamship Company (American and Australian Line), Sir, Auckland, 12th September, 1905. Adverting to your request [No. 13, F.-6a, 1905] for the reason of the R.M.S. " Sonoma " not leaving San Francisco on her contract date, Bth June last, we have now the honour to inform