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No. 1. The Secretary, Postmaster-General's Department, Melbourne, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Commonwealth of Australia, Postmaster-General's Department, Sir, — Melbourne, 31st July, 1905. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 21st instant [No. 3, F.—6a, 1905] relative to one addressed by Sir Joseph Ward, on the 13th May last [No. 1 idem], to the Commonwealth Postmaster-General, in which it was suggested that this Administration should pay a fixed contribution towards the San Francisco mail-service; also to your letter of the 10th ultimo [No. 34, F.-6a, 1905] asking for information as to the rates payable by your Administration for the use of the Peninsular and Oriental and Orient Companies' services, and to inform you that these matters are receiving attention. You will be further advised in due course. I have, &c, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. TCobt. T. Scott, Secretary. Suez. Conn. 05/59.]

No. 2. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, Auckland. (Telegram.) Wellington, 7th November, 1905. Understand that the time-tables furnished by Messrs. Spreckels to the captains of the steamers show that the due date of arrival in Auckland is Tuesday, although our time-tables show Monday [No. 35, F.-6, 1900]. What is explanation? Mr. Spreckels originally submitted and this accepted by Postmaster-General, and there has been no official change. This confusion must be removed. [Agr. 05/51.]

No. 3. Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, Auckland, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Auckland, Bth November, 1905. We have never been advised by Messrs. Spreckels that time-table to captains makes Tuesday arrival day, Auckland. On the contrary every effort is made to reach here Mondays, except when steamers have been detained San Francisco waiting mail. They have invariably reached here Monday. The " Sonoma " arrived Tuesday, 31st ultimo, being detained at Honolulu and Pago Pago much longer than usual.

No. 4. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to Messrs. Hendeeson and Macfarlane, Auckland. (Telegram.) Wellington, Bth November, 1905. You should urge Mr. Spreckels to have his captains properly instructed re correct date of steamers arriving in Auckland. Present instructions probably tend to prolong voyages at times. Important steamers should reach Auckland a3 early as possible on Monday.

No. 5. Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, Auckland, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Auckland, Bth November, 1905. In accordance your suggestion requesting Messrs. Spreckels instruct captains re arrival Auckland,