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STS 1904-1905. RECEIPTS. 1905-1906. £ s. d. 32,510 7 7 Balanoe at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Publio Aooount Advances in hands of Officers of the Government — In the Colony £ s. d. 26,637 9 4 £ s. d. 26,780 13 11 161 9 1 143 4 7 32,671 16 8 Rents from Lands set apart Miscellaneous 3,246 10 2 9,537 12 6 2,792 4 5 11,593 2 10 14,385 7 3 12,784 2 8 Totals £45,455 19 4 £41,166 1 2 STA E COAL- £ s. d. 2,168 18 9 1,863 19 0 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government — In the Colony In London £ s. d. 93,519 14 6 4,078 15 6 350 14 10 £ s. d. 97,949 4 10 4,032 17 9 "The State Coal-mines Act, 1901,"— Debentures created 33,000 0 0 108,502 2 9 62,540 11 10 Proceeds of sale of coal Transfer from Publio Works Fund, being amount expended in acquiring and partially completing the Point Elizabeth Railway 152,438 3 10 204,042 14 7 £208,075 12 4 Totals £250,387 8 8 SCENERY PRESERVATION £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Publio Account Advanoes in the hands of Officers of the Government — In the Colony £ s. d. 7,779 16 5 £ s. d. 130 1 6 7,909 17 11 10,000 0 0 Debentures created under " The Soenery Preservation Act, 1903 " Totals £10,000 0 0 £7,909 17 11 ACC UNTS OF £ s. d. 7,866 16 5 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government— In the Colony £ s. d. 9,938 14 1 £ s. d. 92 15 10 56 13 11 9,995 8 0 7,959 12 3 8,340 7 2 19,688 0 9 20,485 17 1 22,219 13 1 Revenue received for Local Bodies, — Fees, Fines, &c. Endowments of Land, &c. .. Goldfields Revenue Gold Duty 8,016 11 1 17,069 10 2 18,979 18 10 24,778 7 2 68,844 7 3 70,733 18 1 Counties Separate Aooounts, — Revenue of Counties in which " The Counties Act, 1886," is not in full operation 234 18 10 158 14 8 30,274 4 9 93 18 0 Advance Account, — Amount repaid by Local Bodies Ditto on account of Unauthorised Expenditure of previous years 40,725 5 3 53 10 10 40,778 16 1 30,368 2 9 Totals £109,296 11 11 £119,777 6 0 =