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McQueenville Colliery, Alexandra (S. T. Lett, lessee ; J. Hodson, mine-manager).—(9/2/1905) : After the workings became flooded the rise pillars were drawn until (on this date) I found the men working in a section which had been] robbed beyond the safe point, and the manager shifted them to another part of the mine. (7/3/1905) :On visiting the mine this day I considered that it was unsafe to continue working any ionger. The plant was drawn and the mine abandoned. Mr. Lett afterwards applied to the Warden for cancellation of his lease, and I recommended that the application be held over for twelve months and until the lessee had complied with the conditions of the lease requiring him to fill up shafts and plumps on the surface due to coal-mining operations. Lett's New Mine, Gemmell's Gully, Alexandra (S. T. Lett, lessee). —(7/3/1905): Prospecting-drive : Coal-seam only 4 ft., and ,bad roof requiring close timbering. (16/4/1905) : Drive now 7 chains to face. No improvement in coal-seam jor roof. The crosscut, 'driven chains, was also a failure. (13/7/1905) : A downthrow fault 11 ft., strike north-west and south-east, had been encountered at the face, and, notwithstanding the close timbering in vogue on account of the heavy nature of the ground, a run of fine sand and water occurred at the face, and it is doubtful if the drive can be recovered. Coal-seam only 4 ft. in thickness, and indications not encouraging. (26/9/1905) : Another attempt has been made to proceed with the drive, but was eventually given up as hopeless. Alexandra Coal-mine, Alexandra (Mathias and Co., lessees ; A. Hunter, manager).—(lB/1/1905) : The new dip has been driven through a section of old workings into the solid, the intention being to proceed as far as possible in that direction, and work homeward. The in good order. (7/3/1905) : Ventilation fair, and mine in good order ; timber used where required. (9/5/1905) : Ventilation inadequate at working-faces. The manager promised to pay closer attention to brattice and stentons for air-circulation. Dip face is now at 14 chains from the entrance. All places are driven narrow —not more than 6 ft. in width —owing to roof being tender and inclined to cut up, as it undoubtedly would if the places were taken any wider ; timber would not hold them. (26/9/1805) : Workings, roadways, and air-courses in good condition; air good. Although firedamp has not been reported, daily inspections are made with safety-lamp, and' report duly entered in report-book. Plan kept; rules posted; and report-book to date. Undaunted Coal-mine, Alexandra (Mathias and Co., late D. H. Mathias).—This area is nowjncluded in lease held by Mathias and Co., under the name or title of " Alexandra Coal-mine Company." Alexandra Coal Company, Alexandra (James Pollock, mine-manager- ;.| L. Ryan, secretary).— (18/1/1905) : The workings are all in good order. Erection of wooden air-stoppings down the main dip is being continued. (9/2/1905) : Workings in good order throughout, and ventilation good. (13/4/1905) : An inrush of water occurred on the Bth instant from a soft wet back in second level above the riverward barrier. The water was in considerable quantity, but under low pressure. This inflow is coming from a " back " more open than any previously met with, and the coal being soft the usual process of plugging was ineffective. A dam is being built 20 ft. in length by the full size of the place and faced with brickwork, the length of the dam being necessary owing to the water being forced through the joints of soft coal on the sides of the place, to relieve which, pipes have been laid to the lodgment with a regulating valve so adjusted that the minimum quantity is delivered; nevertheless the volume of water now pumped has been doubled, and equals 180,000 gallons per twenty-four hours. Flank and roof boreholes are constantly kept well up in every place to the riverward area. (9/5/1905) : From indications it is now quite evident that the riverward section of work is not to be trusted, as, altiiough the roof boreholes are dry and there is no sign of the seam thinning in the roof, the occurrence of " wet backs " is more frequent and inflow therefrom is severely taxing the pumping plant. The water lodgment at pit-bottom is being extended in the easterly section of work. (25/9/1905) : Workings, roadways, and airways in good order. Some improvement is desirable in ventilation of workingfaces. There has latterly been a gradual reduction of the pumping-time to 112 horns per week, as it is now. A row of brick-and-cement watertight stoppings or dams is now being built, in order that the workings in the western district may be isolated in the event of a heavy inflow of water being encountered. The eastern district (upon which the shaft and plant are situated) will thus be safeguarded, and output could continue without interruption. In the riverward area the places have been driven not more than 8 ft. in width, with flank and roof boreholes in accordance with paragraph 36 of section 39 of " The Coal-mines Act, 1905," as though an accumulation of water had been anticipated, and roof boreholes at intervals of not more than 20 ft. had been maintained in every place. Although firedamp has not been detected, as a precaution safety-lamp examinations are made prior to the shift going to work. Requirements of the Act generally well observed. A Rules posted; plan kept; and report-books to date. Cambrian's Coal-pit, Cambrian's (Catherine Dungey, lessee ; Caleb Dungey, manager). —(22/9/1905) : The lessee is making application for renewal of the lease which recently expired. The coal is won by opencast working. Welshman's Gully Coal-pit, Cambrian's (Orrnond Hughes, lessee; late J. and R. McGuckin). — (22/9/1905) : Opencast method of working. The overburden is sluiced off and hydraulically elevated out of the pit-bottom. The new proprietor is erecting a_water-drivenJioist, and otherwise endeavouring to improve the working-conditions of the pit. Blackstone Hill Coal-pit, Blackstone Hill (James Armitage, lessee). —(2/8/1905) : Opencast pit. The men were engaged stripping and removing overburden at the time of inspection. Price's Coal-pit, Blackstone Hill (G. Price, lessee). —Coal taken out for private use only St. Bathan's Coal-pit, St. Bathan's (James Enright, lessee). —(2/8/1905) : Opencast. Overburden 8 ft., and coal-face 12 it. in depth.. Stripping neglected, and coal-face undermined, rendering the pit a dangerous place for the men to work in. The lessee was notified under date the 19th August to have the pit put in safe working-order. (23/9/1905) : An attempt had been made to strip the overburden,