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Homebush Colliery, Glentunnel (J. C. Campbell, manager ; Dean's trustees,, owners). —(26/4/1905): Dip section : Coal thinning and stone making in south-going places. Ventilation unsatisfactory, partly owing to airways through stentons requiring attention from deputies, also promiscuous shot-firing causing pollution of air. On examination, the upcast airshaft drift was found partially choked by gravel. These matters received immediate attention. It is, however, apparent that natural ventilation is inadequate for the extent of workings, which now require to be more effectively ventilated. In drum heading section work still confined to extraction of pillars. Timber ample ; ventilation fair. (13/12/1905) : Dip section : False roof above coal troublesome, necessitating props to faces, and sets where required. Compressed powder now in use for blasting giving satisfaction. Gauze shields in use in proud and flying coal for protection to miners' eyes. Timber plentiful and freely used ; a large stock on colliery premises. All shots are now fired within twenty minutes from " knock-off," to the safety of the men and the purification of the air during working-hours. The new uprise shaft and second outlet with furnace and chimney on surface will enable dip workings being ventilated independently from rise section. Drum heading section to rise : Pillars continue to furnish a fair proportion of the total output. It is estimated that over 90 per cent, of coal available has been won from the pillared area. The mine-manager reports that two old shafts on the WhiteclifEs roadside have been filled up to the surface. Rules posted ; plan kept; and report-books to date. 480 tons of fireclay were dug for manufacture of sanitary-ware and fire-clay goods in pottery-works on the property. Mr. Deans recently sent a working sample of the clay to a Liverpool firm who reported " that it was as good a clay for taking salt-glaze as they had ever used, and they only wished that they had plenty of such clay on their own premises." St. Helen's Colliery, Whitediffs (H. Lcvick, permit).—(27/4/1905 : A fire had broken out in the gob, and the balance of in-bye pillars had to be left. Coal to the rise in Nos. 4 and 5 tunnel sections now practically exhausted to water-level. By far the larger proportion of output for past few years has been recovered from pillars left by former workers twenty or more years ago. Mr. Levick is to be commended for the thorough and safe manner in which, under difficulties, he has withdrawn some thousands of tons of coal from ground which had been abandoned as worked out so far as was considered practicable. No well-sustained effort has, however, been made to win coal below water-free level, but to any one willing to incur the necessary expense there is apparently nothing to prevent setting away to the dip at several convenient points. Craigieburn Coal-mine, West Coast Road (D. Manson). —Coal mined for station purposes and local requirements. Snowdon Coal-mine, Rakaia Gorge (George Gerard). —Coal mined for station purposes and local requirements. W. McClimont's Area (200 acres), Mount Somen (W. McClimont, lessee).—(l 4/12/1905) : This lease was granted in the beginning of the year, but no effort has been made to work the coal-seam for ■ an output. Mount Somers Coal Company, Mount Somers (M. Neilson, mine-manager ; W. Allan, secretary, Ashburton). —(14/12/1905) : Work extending in direction of dip, free drainage being effected by a lowlevel adit. Roof being good, very little timber is required. Ventilation good ; plan kept; rules posted ; and report-book to date. Woolshed Creek Colliery, Mount Somers (W. T. Doak, secretary ; Thomas Harris, permit).— (14/12/1905) : Mine workings and roadways now in good order. A new drive to solid coal to rise will cut off the present drawing-road through the old workings. The question of opening up-the dip section is still under consideration. ■Taylor's Stream Lime and Coal Company, Alford Forest District (Andrew MacFarlane, lessee). — (13/12/1905) : Area, 60 acres. The limestone on the ground is, when burnt, said to be excellent for agricultural purposes. Prospecting in the coal-measures was carried on for some considerable time without success, only thin unworkable seams of coal having been found. The lessee intends to give the area a further test for workable coal-scams. Christchurch lAme Company (late Springburn Lime and Coal Company), Staveley (R. L. Scott, Christchurch, secretary ; Andrew Thompson, mine-manager).—(ls/J 2/1905) : These works, formerly conducted under the title of the "Springburn Lime and Coal Company," were closed down during the year 1904. Operations have lately been resumed, and three men were making preparations for limeburning at the time of my visit. There are several seams of coal in the property, but on this date no work was being done in connection therewith. Albury Coal-mine, Chamberlain Settlement, Albury (J. M. Willetts). —(5/11/1905) : Preparations being made for winning coal to the dip of main level. New airshaft acting well and ventilation good. Waihao Forks Coal-mine, Waihao Forks (D. McPherson. owner ; J. Preece, Christchurch, lessee ; George Lomas, permit).—(l 4/12/1905) : An area of 80 acres has been leased, but operations are continued in the old mine, drawing pillars and taking down head coal. The smallness of the seam and its distance from the railway have militated greatly against its successful working.