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Subject F. — A Knowledge of Arithmetic and the Method of keeping Battery Accounts. 1. If ore contained by assay before treatment 2 oz. 11 dwt. 12 gr. of gold and 11 oz. 12 dwt. 12gr. of silver to the ton, and after treatment the gangue assayed 4 dwt. 12 gr. of gold and 2 oz. 16 dwt. 12 gr. of silver to the ton, show the value of the gold and silver recovered from 100 tons of ore, taking the. value of gold to be £4 4s. per ounce and silver 2s. 4d. per ounce. 2. The gold extracted from a goldfield made a pyramid 3 feet square at the bottom and 8 feet 6 inches high. : how many pounds avoirdupois did the pyramid contain, taking the specific gravity of gold to be 19-25? 3. The wages of 20 men employed in connection with the treatment of ore was £60 per week. These men were divided into 4 classes: A class had 10 men, B class 5 men, C class 3 men, and 2 men were in D class. Each man in B had J more than each man in A, each man in C had 5 of each man in B, and each man in D had J- more than each man in C : how much did each man receive 1 4. A certain piece of work took 10 men and 3 boys 72 hours to accomplish; each boy did two-thirds the work of a man. How long would it take 5 men and 9 boys to do the same work? 5. Divide 00034 by 67, and extract the cube root of the quotient. Subject G. — A Knowledge of Part V. of "The Mining Act, 1905." Oral.