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property have enabled him to dispose of the claim to a company, and it is expected that with the capital secured development-works will be more actively carried on. Two men employed. Te Aroha District, Hardy's Mines (Limited). —This property has been taken over by a company, the object being to procure further capital for working the properties. The property has been worked during the year with twenty men, whose labour has resulted in the treatment of 1,727 tons, the bullion of which was worth £6,343. A considerable amount of development-work has been done on this property, but no ore of a rich quality was discovered. There are one or two other claims in existence in this locality, but these are doing very little work, the want of means being the obstacle. Komata. The Komata Reefs Mine has been working vigorously during the past year, finding employment for some one hundred and forty men, whose efforts have resulted in bullion being produced to the value of £13,333. A great deal of work has been done on the property during the twelve months. This mine bids fair to be one of the gold-producers of the district. There are one or two other claims in this locality, but there is nothing to report in connection with them. Coromandel. The Hauraki Mine has been working during the year, but the persons engaged therein have been principally tributers, whose work has been confined to the surface blocks, owing to the mine below adit levels being full of water. There is, however, a talk of the owners of this and the Bunker's Hill Mine amalgamating : if this should take place the mine will be unwatered and more vigorous work result, which will find employment for more men. About eighteen men have found work there during the past year, whose labour has resulted in gold to the value of £681 being obtained. Mining operations are very dull here, and, the population being compelled to obtain work elsewhere, there are many empty dwellings about. Bunker's Hill Mine. —For the first six months of the year five men were employed driving an adit level in the hope of intersecting some of the leaders in the low levels, but this work having proved unsuccessful operations were stopped and protection applied for. Hauraki Freeholds. —In the early portions of the year this company was working, but a dispute arose with the Hauraki Company in respect to pumping. This led to the latter company stopping their pump, the result being such an increase of water in the workings of the former as compelled them to stop work and seek protection. Three men were employed, and gold to the value of £206 was secured. Success Mine. —Very little was done upon this during the year. The property was sold to a former owner, who, I understand intends to work it very shortly. Golden Pah. —Worked by tributers on small leaders. Six men employed, who treated 95 tons of stone, valued at £122. Golden Spark. —Very little work done. Harbour View. —Attempt made to work, but as no results therefrom, compelled to stop for want of funds. Kapanga Mine. —A portion of the old Kapanga Company's property is now owned by Messrs. Comes and Hollis. These parties have been driving to secure the cap of the reef, which produced a large amount of gold in the early days of the field. The cap of the reef has been discovered and driven on for a distance of 100 ft. The stone broken out has a promising appearance, and some gold has been seen in the stone. There is a prospect of this old property being taken in hand by a syndicate; if so there are expectations of its being further developed. Tokatea Consolidated. —This property has been worked with seven men, who secured ore to the value of £641. Monte Christo Claim. —No discovery of any importance. Royal Oak. —For the first six months of the year the company had several men at work, whose labour was paid for out of gold obtained; but later on the ore got poorer, the result being that all the wages-men were discharged and tributes were let. The result of the year's work was gold valued at £2,040. The average number of men employed was thirty. Kennedy Bay. Four in Hand. —This company has been engaged putting in an extension of its low level, which now is driven 800 ft. and is within some 200 ft. of the hanging-wall of the reef. So far nothing worthy of note has been unearthed in this extension. 112 tons of ore was treated, yieldingg old valued at £456. A considerable amount of assisted prospecting has taken place, notably on the Big Reef on the Tokatea Hill, but so far nothing of a payable nature has been discovered. Cabbage Bay. ■■ '■'■] White Star Mine. —Very little work done. Result, ore secured valued at £9. Kuaotunu. Waitaia Mine.—Work still carried on by the company—confined solely to stoping out the leaders over the back of the low levels. No fresh work undertaken. The ore taken out has been poor yielding a very small profit. Average of twenty men has been employed, whose labours resulted in obtaining bullion valued at £2,484.