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to " strike it rich." During the year 20 tons of ore were crushed, which yielded 43 oz. 18 dwt., value £109 15s. in , , . , Arrindell — This mine is worked by a Scotch syndicate. So far nothing payable has been found. A crushing plant was erected at a cost of about £1,000, but only 58 tons of ore have been put through for a return of £104. Four men have been employed. Golden Drop.— The owners, Fisher Bros., have taken out and crushed 1 ton of ore for a yield of 17 oz. 18 dwt., value £47 Bs. Bd. Their principal work has been driving a low level to cut the leaders they have been working on the upper levels. When this is done they say they will have enough ground opened up to give them twelve months' employment. New Dart.— This mine was formerly known as the Fortuna. Early in the year Mr. H. H. Adams purchased the mine and floated a company. Operations were at once commenced by starting a low level from the Hape Creek side to a spot below the old Dart, or Consols shaft. When completed, this level will drain the mine below the collar of the shaft and enable work to be commenced from the bottom. Four men are employed. Tararu Creek.— This mine has been well and systematically worked during the year. The owner, Mrs. Agnes Graham Trower, is an English lady who was deeply interested in the late Tararu Creek Company, and has been working the mine since the company was wound up in hopes of getting back some of the capital she had invested. The works carried on during the year were the opening up of a block on the Dunedin reef and developing the Sunbeam reef. A rise has„been put up from the battery level to connect with the rise in the Sunbeam. Ladder-ways and shoots have been put in at this rise. No. 2 level in the Sunbeam has been extended 356 ft., 150 ft. being on the reef. A block of ground below the Charter level has been opened up, and stoping will be commenced at once. A rise is being put up to connect No. 1 and No. 2 Sunbeam levels, which, when completed, will enable a large block of ground to be worked. If the necessary capital of £5,000 is forthcoming, a drive will be put in from the Day Dawn crosscut to open up the Norfolk section. This would give -from 200 ft. to 300 ft. of backs on a probably payable block of ground. The ore found in the mine is mostly of low grade, running to about £1 ss. per ton; and as the ground is hard, there is not much profit. Ore crushed, 956 tons, for 363 oz. 6 dwt., value £1,064. Twelve men have been employed. Eclipse—Considerable work has been done on this mine during the year, with fair results. On the Vulcan lode, 300 fathoms have been stoped out from the low level in a northerly direction from No. 1 winze along to the junction of the Vulcan and Eclipse reefs. In the intermediate level the lode is about 6 ft. wide, and passes through well-mineralised ground favourable for gold. The ore should improve in value a's the drive is extended on the reef. The Eclipse reef has been cut in a crosscut driven into the hanging-wall at right angles. At the point cut the lode is 5 ft. wide and very solid. A large body of ore is thus opened up, and the reef is intact right up to the surface, and should prove payable. The position of the upper end of the aerial tramway has been changed to near the low and a self-acting ground tramway constructed to connect the level and the aerial' line. These alterations have greatly reduced the cost of haulage. The ore crushed was 1,338 tons, and yielded 1,153 oz. of gold, valued at £3,193. Twelve men have been employed. The New Waiotahi (late New Caledonian), Lord Nelson, Occidental, Manchester, and Southern Queen (late Karaka) Mines are all being worked by small companies, but nothing has been found of any consequence; but as they are all in good localities, they may at any time meet with payable ore. Monoivai.— The old company having decided to cease operations, all the plant and ground were sold by auction. Messrs. Craig and Adams became the owners and floated a company, which has been working the ground during the year. The low level has been extended and a few tons of ore taken out. There is still 500 ft. to drive before they get under where the rich ore was found a couple of years ago. The ore is very refractory, and has not yet been successfully treated in the colony, although good returns have been obtained, when the concentrates have been sent to Newcastle for treatment by smelting. Seven men have been employed. Tapu District. Mahara Royal.— This company has been engaged in developing the Royal reef at the bottom level. The lode is from 2 ft. to 10 ft. wide, and goes about 7 dwt. per ton. This is just about sufficient to pay expenses. Work is now going on prospecting the unexplored part of the mine, for which purpose a crosscut is being put in the foot-wall of the Royal reef. It is expected that several lodes found m the upper levels will be intersected. Eight men have been employed, and 1,232 tons of ore crushed for a return of 513 oz. 6 dwt. of gold, valued at £1,511. Sheridan.— This ground was purchased by the Plummer Brothers from the Bullion Company (which had to be wound up), and has been worked by the purchasers during the year. A little ore has been found now and then, but they have not been able to make wages. Three men are employed. East Coast District. Auckland.— This mine was formerly known as the Mananu, and worked by the Mananu Company (English); but the results of its operations not being satisfactory, the ground and plant were sold to Mr. H. H. Adams and party. A company was formed, and work commenced at once. Several small blocks of ground between No. 1 and No. 2 levels were worked, and good payable ore found. The company are now opening out and developing the reefs at No. 3 and No. 4 levels. A total of, 879 tons of ore was treated for a yield of £4,387 14s. Eight men have been employed. Waimangu. —A company was 'formed to work this ground towards the end of the year, but have not had much time to do much work. For the first six months the ground was under protection. It is'reported that good payable ore exists in the mine—at any rate, the prospects are considered so good that the company has decided to erect a battery and go in for extensive workings.