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extensive auriferous area) at an approximate cost of £6,000. Meanwhile all works are suspended pending completion of the necessary surveys, when the various works will be actively pushed. The race is estimated to be two miles and three-quarters in length. Six-mile Hydraulic Sluicing Company (Thomas Wearns, Manager).—The various works in connection with development have been satisfactorily completed; but when visited in October last sluicing was suspended and the men employed in cutting a low-level tail-race, the expenditure being fully warranted by the remunerative character of previous results. Horse Terrace Sluicing Company (Charles Beilby, Manager).—The various developments, including water-race and pipe-line construction, electric light and sawmill installation, are substantially completed and operative. In connection with sluicing operations, this property is opened on two extensive faces of washdirt, one of which is worked continuously, the water-supply being ample to meet all present and anticipated requirements. Hydraulic Sluicing, Fern Flat. —Mr. H. F. Logan, of Wellington, who recently acquired the option of working Mr. Hunt's freehold, has not yet commenced operations. Lyell Hydraulic Sluicing Company. —Mr. Thornhill Cooper, the previous manager, is now working the claim under a tribute agreement; but the monetary success of operations depends wholly on the water-supply, which is to a large extent regulated by the local rainfall. New Lyell Sluicing Company. —Preparatory to opening out a new face, operations were directed to cut and sluice out a hard bar of cemented gravels. On the completion of this work the owners anticipate favourable returns, as the water-supply has been much improved by effecting necessary repairs to the supply-race. Newton River Sluicing Company. —When visited in October, sluicing was suspended owing to subsidence in the water-race, the men being employed in constructing a deviation. Fairhall and party have completed their water-race and commenced sluicing. Evans and Fair were unfortunate in having the siphon of their water-race washed out during the recent flood. Happily, repairs were satisfactorily completed, and sluicing is again in full swing. Johnson's Creek, Matakitaki River. —August Stackpool and party (four men), having completed their water-race and all other works connected with the claim, are now sluicing, with highly profitable results, the elevated situation of the claim providing unlimited tailings-space. Matakitaki River. —Two miners are working on the Mammoth Claim since the recent floods. Two Europeans and a few Chinese are reported to be doing well on the river-beaches. Boatman's. ' Harold and party have opened out an extensive sluicing-face in the neighbourhood of Larry's Creek. Work was at a standstill when the claim was visited, consequently information regarding prospects and future development was not available. Costello and party (three men) were cutting a tail-race to open a piece of ground formerly held by Mr. Lockington, situated between Reeves Proprietary dredge and Coughlan's freehold. The wash pans a fair sample. Whelan and party opened their claim at the base of the terrace lands rising to the coal-area formerly worked by Coughlan, of Capleston. The face, 30 ft. in depth, is a compact deposit associated with huge boulders of coal-formation, which have tended to disturb the auriferous drifts, and locate the gold in pockets. The ground is profitably worked. Howell and Kennedy were authorised to drive a tunnel at Specimen Hill a distance of 500 ft. The first 92 ft. intersected a reef-track heavily intermixed with foreign material and finely crushed quartz free of visible gold. James Grieve was authorised to prospect on the south terraces of the Waitahu River for three months, under Class 1. The usual number of fossickers continue to rake the small tributaries for an odd pennyweight. Inangahua County. Charles Clifford was authorised to prospect for nine months near Carton's terrace, under Class 1. Newcombe and Patterson were authorised to prospect in the Maruia district for three months, under Class 1. Upper Blackwater Miners' Association have been granted £200 to prospect at the head of the Blackwater River and Snowy Creek. Dennis Murphy was authorised to prospect on the left-hand branch of Devil's Creek for six months, under Class 1. Grey Valley. Blackwater. —Regarding the alluvial mining in this district, recent discoveries are non-important, attention having been more particularly directed to the quartz-reef formations in the Upper or Big River Riding. However, the mining population is well maintained, while the average value in gold won shows no depreciation. The Chinese diggers continue to take a prominent place amongst the local gold-producers. Craighead and Laurenson's subsidised tunnels on Yankee John's Creek are still to the front; other miners eke out an existence more or less favourable. Dredging on the Blackwater Creek is also being carried on. Ahaura River continues to find employment for nineteen Europeans and nine Chinese. Orwell Creek and Napoleon Hill give employment to eighteen miners, with varied results. Moonlight. —This noted old goldfield still maintains forty miners. Callaghan's Creek is now reduced to seven resident miners.