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seen occasionally in the stone. Robert Hindman's area, situated east of Feddis's, gives employment to one man since the snow melted ; outcrop not yet found. Baucke has an area south of Feddis's with no person employed. Regarding development and tests made of the stone, probably the most favourable prospect yet tested is held by the Kanieri Syndicate, George Pfahlert having very carefully prospected a line of reef 2 ft. in width, from which really good prospects are obtained. Application has been made and it has been recommended that the Government furnish a two-stamp mill for the use of prospectors. Should this request be complied with in the interest of the prospector, work will be much simplified. A suitable site has been selected. General Remarks. In reviewing the statistics of working in quartz-mines, as furnished by the employers for the years 1904 and 1905, it is found by careful computation that the ore milled for 1904 was 122,295 tons, yielding bullion to the amount of 59,359 oz. 16 dwt. 17 gr, valued at £224,626 Bs. 2d, against 758 persons employed ; whilst for the year 1905, milled ore was 116,901 tons, yielding bullion equal to 49,239 oz. 8 dwt. 12 gr, valued at £196,367 lis. 9d, against 757 persons employed. The average stone mined per person employed for the year 1904 was 161-352 tons, and for 1905, 154-426 tons. Comparing the tonnage milled, yield of gold, and values, the following will show the relative decrease for the year 1905 : Shortage in tonnage milled, 5,294 tons ; shortage in yield of bullion, 8,120 oz. 8 dwt. 5 gr. ; shortage in values, £27,158 16s. sd, against a decrease of one person employed.

HYDRAULIC AND ALLUVIAL MINING. Mahakipawa. King Solomon. —In view of unwatering the mine more effectively and placing the company under more favourable circumstances to win the coveted run of gold in the Golden Gate shaft, the two 9 in. pump sets (originally worked in the Hibernian shaft) have been withdrawn, one of which is now worked in the King Solomon old shaft and the other in the Golden Gate. Although these pumps are in constant work, it is evident that unless further capital is forthcoming to instal more efficient pumpmg-power, abandonment will be the inevitable result. All surface arrangements are well and substantially constructed. In the Mahakipawa Valley, Coombes, Morton, and party (four men) are simply making a|livingwage. Rochfort and party (two men). —This party, working on the right-hand branch of the creek, are more successful, they having won 9 oz. of gold during the first month of the year, including two nuggetsone 2 oz. 8 dwt. and the other 1 oz. 4 dwt. Several of the miners have left for fresh fields. Wakamarina and Deep Creek. —The only work worth noting is the reconstruction of the Golden Point dredge, the pontoons having been rebuilt. Carnes and party (two) have recently had rather a successful time in the Deep Creek. Fisk and party (four) are doing very well by utilising the water-supply originally held by the Ericon Sluicing Company. Ericon Hydraulic Sluicing Company. —This property remains shut down. Roche and party (four men) have just resumed work in the White Pine Gully, where favourable results were obtained two years ago. The party appear determined to give the ground another trial. Arm Chair Creek. —E. Terral has taken up the old Duke of Cornwall lease, with the object of mining a trial parcel of 20 tons of scheelite for shipment to Germany, and, provided the values are considered profitable, it is intended to work the mineral on a large scale. The ore also contains a low percentage of gold. Smith and party (five) being satisfied with their former prospects, are now engaged in bringing in a more efficient water-supply, which they consider will much enhance the value of their property. Takaka. Takaka Hydraulic Sluicing Company (Charles Campbell, Manager). —During the early months of the year sluicing was continued dipwards to the bed of the creek, but in view of protecting the riverbank it was considered, advisable to suspend further operations in that direction until the eastern section of the claim was exhausted. Sluicing has maintained a high average of time worked, the values won being fairly profitable. The various works connected with the claim are kept in workmanlike order. Upper Anatoki. —When recently visited, prospecting on the ranges was at a standstill owing to the difficulty in getting up provisions, &c, during the very inclement weather. The miners have obtained a contract to construct a road, and on completion of same prospecting will be resumed. Road-construction is receiving increased attention, r Collingwood. Parapara Hydraulic Sluicing Company (James Bassett, Manager). —During the year, the Hit or Miss section of the property has been the chief centre of operations, and although the auriferous drifts are nearing exhaustion, the gold won was fairly profitable. To maintain requirements and keep the claim fully employed attention is now being directed to the development of the deeper deposits in West's freehold flat. With this end in view a drainage-tunnel is now in progress, which, when completed, is calculated to effect drainage to a depth of 25 ft. The present proposal is to first exhaust the drained area and finally instal elevators capable of lifting the auriferous deposits from a further depth of 60 ft.