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OTAGO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MINES. Professor James Park, M. Inst. M.M. (London), M.A. Inst. M.E., F.G.S., reports as follows :— The mining school for the year ending the 31st December, 1905, showed an attendance of thirtyfour students, thirty-one of whom were matriculated students of the University of New Zealand, Of the thirty-four, twenty-five were entered for the full course prescribed for the B.Sc. in mining or metallurgical engineering, and nine for one subject only —namely, general geology. Diplomas Granted in 1904. Diplomas were issued to graduate students on production of the necessary certificates of practical work, as follows : Frank Hadfield Statham, Associate in Geology ; Oluf Moen, Associate in Mining; Oluf Moen, certificate of metallurgical assayer and chemist; James Campbell Neill, Associate in Mining Leslie M. Jolly, Associate in Metallurgy. Annual Examinations. Thirty-four students presented themselves for examination in thirty different subjects, and of these only three failed —namely, two in mineralogy and one in mining geology. Grey Scholarship. —Robert W. McCullough. Ulrich Medal. —Alexander M. Finlayson. New Zealand University Examinations. 1851 Exhibition Research Scholarship. —Robert A. Farquharson (resigned in favour of Rhodes Scholarship). Honours in Natural Science. —Arthur R. Andrew (Birmingham) and Robert A. Farquharson, first-class honours (geology). Senior Scholarship %n Natural Science. —Alexander M. Finlayson (geology) divided' this scholarship with an Auckland candidate (botany). Mining Engineering. — First section (metallurgical), — Gerhardt A. C. Ulrich ; second section, Hugh R. Macdonald, Alex. Gordon Macdonald, and Philip Hastings McDouall passed all the examinations in this section except mechanical drawing ; final section, E. J. Herbert Webb (mining) and Walter A. Given, M.A. (metallurgical). Master of Science. —Robert A. Farquharson. Bachelor of Science. —First section, John A. Bartrum, Charles A. Cotton, John F. McPadden ; final, Alexander M. Finlayson. The Rhodes Scholarship for 1906. The Committee of Selection, sitting in Government House, Wellington, in February of this year, awarded Mr. Robert A. Farquharson the Rhodes Scholarship for New Zealand for the year 1906' Mr. Farquharson is a distinguished scholar and a prominent athlete. His academic career represents a standard of excellence rarely equalled by a graduate of the New Zealand University : and it is worthy of note that he was awarded the Rhodes Scholarship before the results of the New Zealand University November examinations were knpwn. When Mr. J. Allan Thomson, B.Sc, carried off the first Rhodes Scholarship for New Zealand two years ago, and was at the same time awarded an 1851 Exhibition Research Scholarship, it seemed hardly within the range of probability that a mining student could have the good fortune to carry off the same prizes within so short a time. Mr. Farquharson has earned our most hearty congratulations. Graduates of the Mining School. The diploma of Associate of the Otago School of Mines was first issued in 1887. The diplomas granted in the divisions of mining, metallurgy, and geology since that date are as under :— Division. Issued up to Issued in 1904. 1905. otaL Mining .. .. .. .. .. .. 74 2 76 Metallurgy .. .. .. .. . . 36 1 37 Geology .. .. .. .. .. 12 1 13 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 122 4 126 The mining graduates who have taken the ordinary B.Sc. and engineering B.Sc. are as follows :— Up till 1904. In 1905. Total. Ordinary B.Sc. .. .. .. .. ..8 1 9 Engineering 8.5 c... . . .. .. . . 3 2 5 Totals .. .. .. .. ..11 3 14 Occupation of Old Students. The old students who have secured responsible positions during the past year are as follows : (1) Percy G. Morgan, M.A., New Zealand Assistant Geologist; (2) Charles N. Boult, B.Sc, assistant engineer, Ferro-Concrete Company (Limited) ; (3) T. Otto Bishop, A.0.5.M., manager, Skipper's Mine ; (4) Alexander Fyfe, manager, cyanide-works, Barewood ; (5) A. H. Vivian Morgan, M.A. Director, Waihi School of Mines ; (6) G. Geoffrey Sale, A.0.5.M., manager, Slimes Plant, Roodepoort, South Africa; (7) Ernest Edwards, A.0.5.M., mine-manager, S. Norway; (8) John Watt, A.0.5.M., dredge-