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No. 28. Sir,— Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, Bth July, 1904. I beg to return herewith Ordinance No. 1 of the Island Council of Manihiki (an Ordinance to regulate Village Life within the Island of Manihiki), duly assented to by His Excellency the Governor. I have, &c, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. C. H. Mills.

See A.-3, 1904, No. 196.

No. 29. Sir,— Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, 9th July, 1904. In further reference to your report for the year ending the 31st March, 1904, I must congratulate you on the very satisfactory condition of things which is disclosed by the facts and figures you have submitted. With a credit balance of ,£3,000 the Island Administration may face the future with some confidence, and, considering that more than £3,000 has been expended during the past two years on public works—items which presumably will be non-recurring the prospects of the Administration may be regarded as most satisfactory. I am glad to note that you have made provision on the current year's estimates for the erection of four very necessary bridges, as well as for the drainage of the Maraerenga Lagoon. T have no doubt that these works will, directly or indirectly, amply repay the expenditure. You are authorised to expend'£loo this year in planting the Island of Takutea, if you can see your way to go on with the scheme suggested in your letter of the 4th April, 1903. Matters connected with the "Countess of Ranfurly" have been fully dealt with in recent correspondence, and I trust you will have no further anxiety in respect to the vessel I am pleased with the character and extent of the work done by the Land litles Court, and note that considerable areas are under lease to Europeans There can be no doubt as to the desirability of having the waste lands of the island settled by industrious Europeans of good character, "and it is gratifying to know that this is to some extent being accomplished, particularly in view of your assurance that the granting of leases to Europeans involves neither injury nor hardship to the Natives. . . On the subject of education your report contains much that, is encouraging, and I appj°je of your proposal to increase the subsidy to Tereora School from £125 to £200 per annum. This I assume, means £4 per head of the present maximum of fifty scholars, instead of £2 10s. as at present. I wrote you on the subject of education last mail. . The question of pearl-shell fishing is, as you are aware, being dealt with by legislation this "Tarn sorry that the vital statistics of the Group are not more satisfactory but note that the large number "of deaths is accounted for by an epidemic of measles. Probably under normal conditions, your report under this head would have been much better. I notice that for the previous year the births and deaths were practically equal. , Careful consideration will be given to the various important suggestions contained in your report Some of them will have to be submitted to Cabinet, and in any cases where legislative action is necessary, provision will be made in. the Bill to be intr odu ced »8««j rule I think it is better that Islands legislation should emanate from the local Councils, but 1 recognise there are cases in which an Act of the New Zealand Parliament Yh^&c P TT Mtt t s The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. n - lvlllJ B -

See A.-3, 1904, No. 169.

No. 30. Ql „ _ Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, 9th July, 1904. ' I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th May No 199/N forwarding Ordinances Nos 12 and 13 of the Nine Island Council. No 13 "The Suppression of Immo g rali\y Ordinance,'' has been sent on to the Attorney-General for his approval, and when this hw been given it will be forwarded for the assent of His Excellency the Governor A, to No 12 " The Niue Island Traders' License Ordinance, 1904," you had not, of course, when framin- it,'received my letter of the 21st May, in which I mentioned, for the consideration of'the cSil my views on the subject of fees for wholesale and retail licenses Irrespective of this however, I return the Ordinance herewith for reconsideration as to section 8, which prov dcs for the is ue of special licenses. This, to my mind, would tend to encourage and extend theTiouor traffic In consideration of the largely signed petition from the Natives of Niue, prayt tW the imoortation of liquor into the island should be prohibited, I should like to arrange, ing that the importation | __ n b imported by the Government, and disn Sundera 'system ofState 3? m that Europeans could only obtain liquor for tnemT to Lmited ouantUies and would not be allowed to sell it at all. I have given the matter selves m limited <P^ n ™> "£ R the difficu i tie s that surround it. In the meantime, it serious and fully the lated and T wish algo to oarefuUy h may be on the inland now. As to sectton Bof the Ordinance, it had better be omitted altogether. have, 4.0. The Resident Commissioner, JNiue.

No. 1