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not be elaborate, But yet worthy of New Zealand and suitable to the requirements of these people, may be formulated. On behalf of the District Committee of the London Missionary Society, I remain, &c, J. J. K. Hutchin, Secretary of the Cook Islands District Committee. Lieut.-Colonel Gudgeon, G.M.G., Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga.

No. 7. Sir,— Niue, 11th June, 1904. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, No. 53, of the 27th April, 1904, in which you authorise me to expend a further sum of £200 on the Niue roads. The principal works 1 intend to proceed with upon arrival of the necessary supplies are two deviations on existing roads, to avoid steep grades —one between Avatele and Alofi, and another between Tuapa and Mutalau. I shall then complete to its proper width the road between Alofi and Hakupu, which is at present only a stony track. The road that I think of most importance after the above-mentioned works are out of hand is the highway intersecting the centre of the island from Alofi to Liku, from which branch roads proceed to the smaller settlements. This road not only opens up a large extent of country, but also gives direct access to the eastern side of the island, where the best land is to be found. Twothirds of the copra produced is grown on that side. It is partly made throughout, but a good deal more requires to be done to it. A road formed many years ago extends quite round the island, and was traversed by Mr. Haszard in his survey, thereby avoiding having to cut lines. It connects all the villages, but is very stony in places, and requires a good deal of expenditure to render it fit for wheeled vehicles. A few heavy drays would soon effect a vast improvement by pulverising the metal, but until the services of a farrier can be obtained unshod horses are here useless for draught purposes. I have, &c, C. F. Maxwell, The Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister in Charge, Resident Commissioner, Niue. Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington.

A.-3, 1904, No. 176,

No. 8. Sir, Niue, 13th June, 1904. Referring to your letter 1904/41 of the 29th April, regarding storage-tanks for the use of the Niue villagers, I have the honour to state that I carefully examined a similar contrivance near the summit of Mount Rangitoto, in Auckland, which furnishes an ample supply of good water for holiday-makers. I was doubtful whether sufficient water could be collected off a small roof to be of much utility. Having lately measured the rainfall at Alofi, I have concluded, however, that it would be possible to fill the tanks in the rainy season; also that it would be easier and cheaper to construct tanks than to sink wells, particularly as I have hitherto been unable to find a Native competent to undertake the work of well-sinking. A serious difficulty is the extreme reluctance of individual Natives to give sufficient land upon which to construct a tank or sink a well, even though offered a fair remuneration for the small piece required. I hope, however, to conquer their prejudices and inherent aversion to do anything which might benefit others, and shall take immediate action in furtherance of this object. I have ample funds in hand to defray the cost. I have, &c, C. F. Maxwell, The Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister in Charge, Resident Commissioner, Niue. Cook and other Islands Department, Wellington.

A.-3, 1904, No. 181,

No. 9. SIR) _ Niue, 20th June, 1904. I have the honour to forward to you under separate cover " The Niue Island Magistrates and Police Ordinance, 1904." It has been amended in accordance with the suggestions of the Attorney-General, and repassed by the Niue Island Council. I hope it is now sufficiently in order to receive the assent of His Excellency the Governor. I would like to explain that this Ordinance was drafted by Mr. Percy Smith, and I refrained from altering or amending his work as much as possible. I have sent the Ordinances already assented to by the Governor to the Government Printer to be printed, so as to have some copies for distribution. I have, <fee, C. F. Maxwell, The Hon. C. H. Mills, Minister in Charge, Resident Commissioner, Niue. Cook and other Islands Department, Wellington.

A.-3, 1904, No. 163