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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


1905-6. Vote 17. — Treasury Department Salaries. Other Charges., £ £ Total. £ IJCKJIZf 9,211 9.211 ., 18. —Friendly Societies Registry Office 730 1,800 2,530 ,, 19.—Land and Income Tax Department 5,497 15,250 20,747 20. —Rates on Crown Lands soo 800 „ 21.— Miscellaneous Services 11,778 11,773 TOTAL OF CLASS V. 15,438 29,623 45,061 Item. ft :em, 1905-6. —■ TREASURY DEPARTMENT. £ £ 1905-6. Total number of officers .. 44 1 I VOTE No. L7. Salabtes — Secretary to the Treasury, Receiver- and PaymasterGeneral (also Registrar New Zealand Consols, £50) Assistant Secretary to the Treasury and Accountant (also; Secretary Civil Service Officers'Guarantee Board, £50) Corresponding Clerk Cashier 29 Clerks : I at £365, 2 at £310, 1 at £270, 1 at £260, I at £255, 2 at £235, I at £230, 1 at £225, 1 at £220, 3 at £210, 2 at £190, I at £185. 2 at £180. 2 at £175, 1 at £160,1 at £155,2 at £150, 1 at £125, 1 at £115. 2 at £105 8 Cadets : 6 at £95, 1 at £75, 1 at £70 ... 2 Binders : 1 at £4 and 1 at £3 15s. per week 1 Messenger (7s. 6d. per diem) 800 600 350 320 5,885 715 403 138 9,211 Total, —Vote No. 17 PR1KNDLT SOCIETIES REGISTRY OFFICE. 1905-6. Total number of officers ... 5 1 v'OTE No. 18. Salaries — Registrar and Actuary Revising Barrister (aiso Assistant Law Officer, £550) Clerk Cadette Cadet 350 50 230 60 40 ! 730 2 8 4 Otheb Chakgks — Payment for statistical returns of sickness and mortality Extra clerical assistance Contingencies 850 1,350 100 1,800 Totat. —Vote No. 18 ... 2,530