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" Medically unfit for further duty " means that, on the certificate of at least two medical practitioners approved by the Board, it is established to the satisfaction of the Board that, by reason of mental or bodily infirmity not caused by irregular or intemperate habits, the contributor has 5 become permanently unable to perform his duties : " Minister " means the Minister of Education : " New entrant " means a person who is first permanently employed in the Education service after the coming into operation of this Act: 10 " Original member " means a person who at the coming into operation of this Act is permanently employed in the Education service: " Public school " means a public school as defined by " The Education Act, 1904 " : 15 " Salary " of a contributor means the actual sum paid to him as salary in respect of his service, but does not include allowances or payment for overtime : " Secondary school " means a secondary school as defined by " The Education Act, 1904." 20 " Service " or " Education service " means service under an Education Board or the governing body of a secondary school or the managers of associated classes subsequent to the coming into operation of " The Education Act, 1877"; and "length of service" means the number of 25 years completed in the service of one or more of such bodies, whether such service be continuous or not: " Teacher" means a certificated teacher or a teacher holding a degree granted by any British university. The Fund. 30 3. (1.) There is hereby established a fund to be called " The Teachers' Superannuation Fund." (2.) The fund shall consist of — (a.) The contributions of persons in the Education service, as hereinafter provided; 35 (6.) Moneys at any time paid into the fund under sections twenty-one and twenty- tioo hereof ; (c.) Interest from time to time accruing from investment of the moneys of the fund, as hereinafter provided. 4. (1.) Every person who at the commencement of this Act 40 is permanently employed in any capacity for not less than twenty hours in a week in the Education service may at any time within six months after the commencement of this Act elect to become a contributor to the fund. (2.) If he so elects, he shall be entitled to all the benefits of the 45 fund, subject to the provisions of this Act. (3.) If he does not so elect, he shall not at any future time become a contributor to the fund, or participate in its benefit, except on the payment of such sum and on such conditions as the Board determines.

Superannuation Fund.

Persons employed at oommenoement of Act may eleot to contribute.


Teachers' Superannuation.