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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.


Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Wednesday, the 28th Day of June, 1905. Ordered, " That .Standing Order No. 218 be suspended, and that a Committee, consisting of twenty-one members, be appointed, to whom shall be referred the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Bill and certain other Bills more particularly referring to labour ; five to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Aitken, Mr. Alison, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Barber, Mr. Bedford, Mr. Bollard, Mr. Colvin, Mr. Davey, Mr. Ell, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Kirkbride, Mr. Laurenson, Mr. Millar, Sir W. R. Russell, Mr. Sidey, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Witheford, Mr. Wood, and the mover."—(Right Hon. R. J. Seddon.)



Shops and Offices Act Amendment Bill. The Labour Bills Committee, to whom was referred the Shops and Offices Act Amendment Bill, have the honour to report that they have carefully considered the same, and have taken evidence thereon; and they recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed, with the amendments as set forth in the copy attached hereto. (Vide Appendix 1.—9.) Bth August, 1905.

Factories Act 1901 Amendment Bill. The Labour Bills Committee, having given careful consideration to the provisions of the Factories Act 1901 Amendment Bill referred to them by your honourable House, have now the honour to report that they recommend that the said Bill be allowed to proceed, subject, however, to the amendments shown on a copy of the Bill attached hereto. (Vide Appendix 1. -9 a.) 11th August, 1905.

[o. Petitioners. Page. ! No. ! Petitioners. Page, 45 033 634 Ah Lop and others Aitken, E. B., and others Andrews, A. E., and others 2 2 2 030 620 McCune, T. W., and others McDougall, William, and others 2 2 646 Nicholls, B. S., and others 2 12 92 81 Bell, L. E., and others.. .. Bryson, Charles, and others Buttertield, T. H, and others 2 2 2 621 Orme, W. H., and others 2 616 010 Cunningham, W. J., and others.. 2 2 82 637 638 44 622 Parrott, E. M., and others Pay, J. H., and others Pichlis, E. E., and others Pratt, Fred, and others Price, E. V., and others 2 2 2 2 2 Dennis Bros., and others Factories Act Amendment Bill.. Factories Act 1901 Amendment Bill 2 1 648 652 Roberts, A. J., and others Rosser, A., and others 2 2 835 Goodall, James, and others 2 317 Henderson, G., and others 2 Shops and Offices Act Amendment Bill .. 1 518 Innis, A. C„ and others Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Bill 2 2 639 623 Thompson, J., and others Till, E., and others 2 2 649 43 Willis, L., and others Winny, Charles H., and others Workers' Compensation for Accidents Bill 2 2 2 McCausland, F. F., and others 2 819