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4i>etr»oi reoeived in Wellington,. __ ——— . __CHBISICHUBCfcL_ , new n nWfi TRBABUBT VOUOHM No. XXO / /Q The Niw Zbalasd GoywoiumiT, I—.———— Dbpabtkbhtal No. or Service: | Dr. to v-/ .LLrIAJWf t I Sub-

Hor«.-Tbe following inetructioni contained In •^*^ re th«t bie addfe.. i. oorr«oti,t ahd l.oiblt wbittbn. as th.chevie for p*ym.Bt b»mu.*.ign»he.pecial order indorsed her.on.. ,1 , t ,J^a the abstract will be returned for amendment before payment Tbe naate of tbe omoer Irill be lent on which tbe cheque i> to be d»wn, Aould be atated in th* .pace-prodded » the loro'Sf'ree'e'iptat foot. (eeS >eodon» W and 6t.) ,„

I cBBTiFT that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the foregoing true ffib" an d correct in,every particular; that the ohar ge< #4r*M* reasonable; and that __J£jL^ vote no. a y Item /6-- y■• 4 ~ ,^^ i fr . —i Hon.—The tpaoea eneioned by a line ,I f) (AnBOTAL Stamp.) are to be left open for number* '■.'\ Si - M\ v t 7/ /_ to be fllled in in the Trea«ury. l< y QF\ ! |l»A. /" * —'I - .~" jr Rbgbivbd from the Paymaster-aeneral, by okeque No. ~ on "6 _ oountereigned this of M^^^ ., by UCU+My ___ Esquixe, the sum of__ _/£ pounds,^^^^^ shillings and - penoe sterling, in full payment of the above aooount. f^ja"^ Konrteenth Form*r»ot of Oontingenoiee. Beguletioue *2, 60, BS, aed 93.] j Jjj^^f^. {ioo,ooo/lo7ieo»—s*ls

Kβ. of Authority. DftteoJSernee or Supply. p*K*iouliuci ia f«U. vouoher No. /» m Ipv^ * A .* m ,* rfi , *F+ * t^ JW*- /• . / AotA-y* s*r- ~ - I - . I CEBTiFY that/to beet knowledge and belief, the foregoing account is true and correct in every paWcliW; t\\Mrtiyp charges are reasonable; that I actually expended on the services named the tfig*s rn£.\n<£(^j£ suctl charges which are not supported by receipts; and that I was travelling on rae Public Service, and was absent from my headquarters at night, on each of- ______ 'be occasions for which a full day's travelling-allowance is claimed. « ♦ m t * 4> • * Wf 4* *+ j> <3 * •5 J v^ 6 V^ V V 3fS * 1/ * # T ✓u * fT,> llf 1/ffhfaimif \V. g iS %L B . ToTAL " i]/ /^ • y , ,., A7y/X-« * f 1TI III illi IJfflfliMW ■»■ ♦_ ijj „/ ni~,. mn *,t ■ r m~ rr ts% -am jmmwm *J9rejm<m w< v mum ■■■■'— ■■