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Causes of Death. Causes of Death. OJ 1 o Orders and Diseases. 5 I "5 03 i Orders and Diseases. m a s "3 Order 1.— Diseases of Nervous System — continued. Paralysis (undescribed) Paralysis agitans Insanity, general paralysis of insane Chorea Epilepsy Convulsions Laryngismus stridulus Idiopathic tetanus Paraplegia, diseases of spinal cord Locomotor ataxia Other diseases of ner56 30 86 31 16 47 1 1 24 23 47 60 57 117 -2 -2 -4 9 L1. 20 7 ... 7j 4S 30 78| 30 16 1 23 57 •2 II Ordee 5.— Diseases of Digestive System. Stomatitis, cancrum oris Dentition ... Sore throat, quinsy ... Dyspepsia ... Haematemesis Melaena Diseases of stomach, gastritis Enteritis Ulceration, perforation of intestine Ileus, obstruction of intestine Stricture or strangulation of intestine Intussusception of intestines Hernia Fistula Peritonitis ... Ascites Gall-stones... Cirrhosis of liver Other diseases of liver, hepatitis, jaundice Other diseases of digestive system 5 12 2 4 1 5 40 174 12 36 5 16 1 2 3 7 54 115 4 23 10 28 3 6 4 12 94 289 16 59 2 2 vous system ! Total Order 1 490 374 864 (I 2 7 Order 2.-— Diseases of Organs of Special Sense. Otitis, otorrhoea Epistaxis, and diseases of nose Ophthalmia, and diseases of eye 12 1 25 i 23 3 15 20 25 16 1 48 3 16 53 57 5 5 ! 10 1 33 32 ! 3 5 Q Si a < x I s <! Q 51 31 82 Total Order 2 ... 5 5 10 Total Order 5 ... 453 353 806 o 3 —i i> Order 3. — Diseases of Circulatory System. Endocarditis, valvular diseases Pericarditis... Hypertrophy of heart Fatty degeneration of heart Angina pectoris Syncope Aneurism ... Senile gangrene Embolism, thrombosis Phlebitis ... Varicose veins, piles ... Other diseases of circulatory system 380 2 9 30 26! so: 17; 9' 16 252i 4 6 29 9 45 ! 2 632 6 15 59 35 125 20 15 35 2 > Order 6. — Diseases of Lymphatic System and Ductless Glands. Diseases of lymphatic system Diseases of spleen Bronchocele Addison's disease 8 1 o o 1 11 4 2 13 6 Total Order 6 ... 13 17 30 Total Order 3 ... -7] 576 ... 2 377 i ... 9 953 Order 7. — Diseases of Urinary System. Acute nephritis Bright's disease Uraamia Suppression of urine... Calculus Hematuria... Diseases of bladder and prostate Other diseases of urinary system (kidneydiseases undescribed) ■24 88 11 4 2 1 39 19 74 3 1 3 43 157 14 4 3 4 39 Order 4. — Diseases of Respiratory System. Laryngitis ... Croup Other diseases of larynx and trachea Asthma, emphysema Bronchitis ... Pneumonia... Pleurisy Other diseases of respiratory system 14 8 2 3 4 2 7 145 160 22 27 17 12 4 26 317 406 56 79 Total Order 7 ... 196 32 107 7 303 39 19 172 246 34 52 Order 8.— Diseases of Beproductive System. (a.) Diseases of organs of generation,— Ovarian disease Total Order 4 ... 370 917 547