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A similar calculaticm for the States of the Australian Commonwealth has been made for 1903. The results, when compared with the actual rates, exhibit to what degree the age-constitution of the population affects the death-rate. The figures for New Zealand are also given. Year 1903. Index. Actual. Queensland ... ... ... ... ... 16-22 12-38 New South Wales.. ... ... ... ... 1506 11-59 Victoria ... ... ... ... ... ... 1525 12-90 South Australia ... ... ... ... ... 13-89 10-71 Western Australia... ... ... ... ... 15-75 12-60 Tasmania ... ... ... ... ... 14-86 11-92 New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... 12-88 10-40 (1904) ... ... ... .:. 12-04 9-57 Deaths and Death-rates of the Foue Principal Cities and their Suburbs. In the earlier annual reports on the vital statistics of the four chief towns the central boroughs alone were dealt with, particulars respecting the suburbs not having been obtained. But this omission was held to be a grave defect, as the suburban death-rate may differ much from the deathrate at the centre. Steps were therefore taken early in 1895 to collect statistics of the suburban boroughs as well as of the four chief cities. As regards Auckland and Christchurch, the whole of the area usually recognised as suburban has not yet been brought under municipal government, and the statistics given below do not deal with such portions as still remain in road districts. The omission, however, is not very important, for there are in either case quite enough suburbs included within borough boundaries to give a fair idea of the death-rate of greater Auckland and greater Christchurch. As further boroughs are formed the vital statistics will be made to include them. The total number of deaths registered for the four centres in 1904 was 2,384 —viz., 1,841 in the cities, and 543 in the suburbs. By including the suburbs the death-rate for last year is lowered at each of the four centres. The rates for the year are: — Death-rates per 1,000 of Mean Population. Auckland City ... ... ... ... ... 11-11 „ and five suburban boroughs ... ... 10-20 Wellington City ... ... ... ... .. 10-75 „ and two suburban boroughs ... ... 10-43 Christchurch City ... ... ... ... ... 10-50 „ and one suburban borough ... ... 10-44 Dunedin City ... ... ... ... ... 1359 „ and eight suburban boroughs ... ... 11-82 Mortality at Four Centres, including Suburbs. If the suburbs are included, the death-rate is found to be highest in Dunedin and lowest in Auckland; Wellington and Christchurch taking second and third places respectively. The deathrate for the colony was 9.57 per 1,000 of mean population. The four centres might be expected to show a higher average than this. If the number of deaths of infants under one year be excluded, the mortality amongst the rest of the population is found to have been for 1903 and 1904 in the following ratio to the 1,000 living: — 1903. 1904. Auckland (including suburbs) ... ... ... ... 8*57 8-11 Wellington „ ... ... •... ... 8-27 7-89 Christchurch „ ... ... ... ... 8-60 762 Dunedin „ ... ... ... ... 11-11 9-60 The degree of infantile mortality is perhaps best shown in the proportion of deaths of children under one year of age to every 100 births. For 1903 and 1904 the proportions at the chief centres were, — 1903. 1904. Auckland (including suburbs) ... . ... ... 12-15 701 Wellington „ ... ... ... ... 9-27 9-53 Christchurch „ ... ... ... ... 1005 1030 Dunedin „ ... ... ... ... 6-23 930 Thus in 1904 the proportions for Auckland and Dunedin are less than those found at either of the other two chief cities. Mortality at Four Centres, excluding Suburbs. Excluding suburbs, and dealing with the deaths at all ages in the four cities or central boroughs only, the rates for 1904 are found to be lower than in the previous year. The figures for two years are given : — Deaths per 1,000 of Population. 1903. 1904. Auckland (excluding suburbs) ... ... ... 12-97 11-11 Wellington „ ... ... ... 11-30 10-75 Christchurch „ ... ... ... 11-39 10-50 Dunedin „ ... ... ... H-77 13-59