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'(I. c>! ieep on April 30, April 30, IDOL 1805. Ashley County— continued. Maynnrd, Mrs. A., Medbury Me Adam, Mrs. Elizabeth, Amberley McAdam, William, Leithfield McCracken, J. (Exord. of),Hayland, Rangiora McCullough Bros , Fernside McCullough, D. T., Mason's Flat, Oust. McDonald, A. F., Hawarden McDonald, George, Rangiora McDonald, T. R., Hawarden McFarlane, Peter, Hawarden McGiffert, Mrs. A., Sefton MeGillivray, J., Oxford McGowan, F. W., West Eyreton McGowan, J., Mount Grey Downs, Sefton ... MeGowan, Samuel, Amberley McGrath, D., Oxford McGrath, P., Oxford McGratli, John, Oxford McGregor, Duncan, Ohoka McHugh, M, Ohoka Mcllraith, W., Oust Mclntosh Bros., Loburn Mclntosh, D. M., Hawarden Mclntosh, Hector, Fernside Molntosh, Hector, Kaiapoi Mclntosh, Hugh, Hawarden Mclntosh, W. and G., Southbrook McKay, Hugh, Amberley McKay, M., Hurunui McKee, S. H, Oxford McKibbon, Hugh, Oust McLauchlan, Mrs. Ann, Springbank McLauchlin, Andrew, Moeraki W., Springbank McLean, Alexander, Woodburn, Sefton McLean, G. A., Leithfield McLean, Hugh (Exrs. of), Ardross, Amberley McLean, H. (Exrs. of), Glasnevan, Amberley McLean, John, Waikari McLelland, Jaines, Motunau McLeod, John, Sefton McMaster, A., East Oxford McNally, M., Fernside McNally, Nicholas, Amberley McNamara, D., Balcairn McNaught, T.j Amberley Mebrtens, D., Rangiora Melirtene, George, East Oxford Mehrtens, George, Ohoka Mebrtens, H., Rangiora Merrin, Frank, Coutts Island Meyer, E. W., East Oxford Meyers, A., Oxford, Little River Miles, T.i Loburn Miles, William, Amberley Milne, George, Fernside Milne and Gower, Fernside Milton, E. B., Birch Hill, Rangiora Milton, J. D., Rakahuri, Rangiora Mitchell, R., Waikari Mockett, Henry, Amberley Moderate, R., Bennett's Moody, Charles, Kaiapoi Moore, Francis, Eyreton Moore, G. H., Glenmark, Waipara Moore, T., Baleairn ... Moorhead, J., Omihi Morriss, William, Waikuku Mortland, A., Ohoka Moss, J., Sefton Mounsey, J. A., View Hill Mulcock, E. T., Flaxton Mulcock, William, Hawarden Mulligan, E. M., View Hill Murphy, Mrs. Julia, Eyreton Murphy, W., Fernside Murray, Jamee, Bennett's Murray, 'Thomas, Hawarden Myer, F. J. and T. A., Oxford Neave, William, Allendtile, Hawarden Neeve, Mrs. M. E., Ashtrop, Waikari Neil, Miss M. J., View Hill Nelson, H., Balcairn 300 164 167 10550 102 178 186 12 797 127 187 95 237 138 890 255 979 27 187 158 484 56 482 390 89 294 912 3317 482 145 52 131 1550 1773 1664 100 487 68 296 295 203 127 568 20 190 272 151 6 900 359 3826 346 232 Nil 198 166 9800 7 183 205 302 18 867 155 256 158 128 18 •876 392 787 629 197 190 785 72 487 489 143 472 1011 3496 596 121 Nil 50 119 1823 1781 1747 151 1298 Nil 292 20 204 238 157 10 173 250 143 Nil 98 31H 4768 Nil 274 380 10097 2631 345 79 Nil 636 Nil 17278 96 997 60 87 94 311 273 695 500 80 61 286 1101 103 7798 Nil 62 62 10832 8306 300 49 459 272 16 20114 100 658 54 91 49 138 380 489 120 82 292 174 7789 2897 58

No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, laoi. iii(i5. Ashley County— continued. Nelson, Mre. M. M., East Oxford Neugeschwerder, A., Fernside Newtnn, E. B., Waikari Nichols, W. A., Waikari Nieholle, Walter, Ashley Noone, Joseph, Amberley Norrie Bros., West Eyreton Norrie, T., West Eyreton O'Brien, D., Amberley O'Brien, William, Hawarden O'Carroll, J., Hawarden O'Connor, Edward, Loburn O'Connor, John, Balcairn O'Farrell, T. H., Cust O'Halloran, Jolm, Glentui, Bennett's Oliver, 0., Fernside O'Louglilin, Michael, Springbank O'Loughlin, Thomas, Springbank O'Roarke, Mrs. Jane, Fernside O'Roarke, Mrs. M., Fernside O'Roarke, Thoinae, Fernside O'Roarke, W., Fernside Overtoil, P. J., Motonau Paget, J. C, Bennett's Palmer, E. J., Ferneide Papps, H. J., Oxford Parish, R.H., Oxford Parish, R., East Oxford Parnham Bros., Sefton, Kaiapoi Parnham, W. and T., Kaiapoi Parnham, W. A. and 0, S., Kaiapoi Parsons, W., Rangiora Pateman, E. C, Woodend Patterson, William, Balcairn Pavalka, F., View Hill Pawsey, B. S., Fernleigh, West Melton Paweey, J. R., Baleairn Pawsey Bros., Hawarden Peach, M., Clydesdale, Ashley Bank Peacock, J. T., Swannanoa Pearce, Arthur, Rangiora Pearson, T. E , View Hill Penwell, H., Kaiapoi Pepper, Enoch, Hawarden Perring, William H., Scargill Pester, E. T., West Eyreton Petrie, R., Woodend Pliilpott, Adolphus, North Loburn Philpott, E. Gk, North Loburn Piercy Bros., Hawarden Pilil, Didrik, Ohoka Pilcher, Mary L., Medbury Plachateh, Joseph, View Hill Plachatsh, II. and W., East Oxford Plaskett, W., Ferneide Polil, F. A., Hawarden Ponsonby, James, North Loburn Powell, Aaron, East Oxford Powell, J., East Oxford Powell, Louis, East Oxford Powell, Thomas, Fernside Power, Edmond, Ohoka Power, J,, Hawarden Power, William, Fernside Prior, Phillip, Rangiora Prichard, A. C. and C. F., Oxford Prouse, David, Cust Pryor, W. J., The Peaks Pulley, Tasman, Loburn Pursey Bros., Loburn Pursey, T. W., Ashley Purvis, James, Fernside Purvis, James, View Hill Quigley, John, North Loburn Quinlan, John, Hawarden Quinlan, J., Loburn Rainey, Andrew, Oxford Read, George, Kaiapoi Reed, William, Bennett's Reid, R. J., Bennett's Renahan, M., Fernside Retallick, Thomas, Amberley Rhodes, W., Amberley i 476 22 1017 25072 850 290 238 100 359 1700 304 92 96 6700 100 205 154 6 100 100 21 3719 22 699 1416 1£67 132 143 37 526 80 138 243 1520 7000 40 2825 941 26 152 148 10 78 68 220 335 707 30 70 233 153 150 130 182 75 22 1246 3 Nil Nil Nil 123 Nil 1261 256 298 12« 376 1250 375 40 169 6201 Nil 256 194 3 100 50 Nil 2994, 281 Nil 864 1720 1520 164 127 196 2S0 231 6 2 Nil 1279 5580 Nil 2176 30 1268 40 197 158 20 175 37 233 399 1C85 28 55 285 260 193 243 193 99 194 1433 Nil 357 60 287 479 163 57 709 283 170 Nil 130 51 20 3 Nil 35 1888 248 199 Nil 338 108 238 659 168 51 636 157 112 100 146 61 124 47 1587 222 153 26