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Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.— continued.


Where Boiler Purposes for which h E H cS »'3 5° Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in m.. n r .t i~i....,„- _ AnlI ; vn^i NORTH CANT ERBURY— continued I Hall, Hy. INUrlTJ-i (JAJNT Christchurch .. ana u n x — continued I Threshing and hauling Threshing Threshing Woodworks Threshing Road-wagon Tannery Chaff-cutting Threshing Chaff-outting o 64*10 Looomotive & traotion. •Hampton, C. .. •Hanna, T. Henshall, . •Herman, E. Heywood, J. M. .. Hill, Walter Holland & Giles •Holland & Watson Humm, W. •Humm Bros. Johnson, William Southbridge .. Sefton Papanui West Oxford .. Christohurch .. Woolston Kaiapoi Greendale Waddineton .. 8 8 20 8 4 30 9 8 5 6 8 8 8 8 8 65 30 30| 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 12 9 9 10 6.4 & 10 44 & 7 12 & 19 8| 9 7 8 64 & 104 9 94 91 9 20&36 20&36 20&36 6 & 10 61 & 104 9 9 9 74 & 15 74 &15 Two 15 &114 Two 15 & 114 Two 12 Two 12 134 134 13J Two 84 9& 12 Second class. Looomotive & traotion. Ajuuuiiiuijive oc tiacLiuii. First olass. Locomotive & traotion. rjucumuijive 06 uiaouioil. vv ojixixuiguuxi .. Yaldhurst VJClCvll-HUtlUlllg . . tlUUUSUIl, ...ixicxii Jones & Patterson •Judson, J. xaiunursb Horarata Woodend Threshing J-iiCOOUlllg . . Kaiapoi Woollen-mills vv ouuenu Kaiapoi Woollen-mills First olass. LXiUflJJUl 1. yunvu-uuiin ■vaiajJUi . . vvooiieii-mius r iitui uittss. Kimber, Albert H. Springston Threshing, &o. Locomotive & traotion. xYimuei, ciiuoiu xx. Lemon & Anderson Lill. F kJXillllgOUUXl . . Killinchy Dunsandel XlllUOIIlllg, IVO. ■ . Threshing uucjujiiuLive ex bxauuiun. lULCSUUlg . ■ XJ111, X 1 . . . Lvttelton Borough Counoil i^uiisanuei Lyttelton Pumping water First olass. XjyuuBluUXl uyLUUgu vjuuuuji . . I , > t, I.U1 L> l[| , , x " ,N l nll t> nran.1 . . j: ilsij class. it • • 20 it - - Lyttelton Harbour Board .. Eleotrio light 16 16 15 15 15 38 15 uj (jooj u,-nr uuiuvu. • • Pumping Second olass. X . . oeouuu class. Lyttelton Times Co. Christohuroh . . Hauling Printing and electric light Ditto Twine-making Threshing 15 32 8 8 8 50 9 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 4 9 8 8 8 6 8 9 30 8 O 9& 12 104 64 & 104 84 9i Two 7 9| 64 & 114 9 64&IO 9 9 6& 10 9 9 64 & 10 9 44 & 6 74&H 91 91 64&IO 8 64 & 10 6J & 10 12 &20 84 61 &10 First class. Seoond olass. Looomotive & traction. Maddren & Sons Maindonald, M. H. West Eyreton .. maiiiuuii.ciu, ivx. xx. tr unu i.jj j.uiji'ii . . XXllCQUlllg . . XJOUUXIlUulYO Vit IjiaULlUll, Manning & Co. Martin, Geo. H. .. •Matthews Bros. .. McCartney, R. .. ■MV.n.r,nn«ll A- Wn.lkpr Christohuroh .. East Eyreton.. Saltwater Creek Tai Tapu Cust Killinchy Greendale Southbridge .. Southbrook Doyleston Waikari Brewing Threshing Second class. Looomotive & traotion. luiramuj xjcjuuixiuuive 06 vraciiion. MoConnell & WalKer * MoCrostie,"j. W... MoEvedy, Peter .. •Mcintosh, Kenneth •MoLachlan, A. .. McLauchlin, J. .. Not stated Threshing XlllCOillUg . . * McLaren & Co., W. A. VV.Ulv.clLl Christohuroh .. Road-wagon Road-work lYxUxjaiuu IX- Cu*U., ¥».«.. oxiiibiuiiuiuii . . x\oau-worK. Hauling.. IXtbUUUg . . . . Mills, John Moffatt, R. Moir & Co. •Moody, W. N.Z. Govt. Agricultural College Waikuku Christchurch . . Southbrook Woodend Lincoln Chaff-cutting Traction Flour-mill Threshing First class. Locomotive & traotion. Exempt under section 63 "Inspection of Ma ohinery Act, 1902." Ditto. XillCSUlCJg . . N.Z. Govt. Defence Dept. N.Z. Govt. Lunatio Asylum Lyttelton Sunnyside Eleotrio lights Pumping water .. 20 30 30 20 12 Two 9 Two 9 10 & 10 L/lllllU, N.Z. Govt. Public Works Dept. . . Cheviot Extension Belfast X IXLUlllllg V,OVDl . . Locomotive N.Z. Provision & Produce Co. Chemical-works .. Soap-works Fellmongery .. j Electric lights 20 20 17 50 16 17 8 O 6& 10 9 11 "4 114 Nil 9 n Second olass. iN.Zj. JTluvlbluxl uc iiuuucc. wu. . . Nioholls, Wm. North Canterbury Hospital Board .. OUilclbli • • oeuouu cjiauH. Christchurch .. Oleo & General Produce & Export Co. •Osborne, Job vjurisiciiurcn . . Belfast Doyleston Heating Threshing Second olass. Looomotive & traotion. VJSUUIIIO, UKJU ±svy los null . . XXlLOOlUXlg . . i-juuuLiiuuive uc ijiautiun.