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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 11th July, 1905. Ordered, " That there be laid beforo this House a return of the attendance of members in the same form aa H.-14, 1902."—(H0n. Sir W. J. Steward.)

Return showing the Date on which each Member of the Present House was first returned as a Member of the House of Representatives, the Number of Parliaments to which he has been elected, and the Number of Sessions (including the present) at which he has given his attendance.

XI. 1' 1905. NEW ZEALAND. MMRERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: RETURN SHOWING WHEN RETURNED AND HOW OFTEN ELECTED, AND THE NUMBER OF SESSIONS ATTENDED. Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 11th July, 1905. Ordered, " That there be laid beforo this House a return of the attendance of members in the same form aa H.-H, 1902."—(Hon. Sir W. J. Steward.) Betubn showing the Date on which each Membeb of the Peesen , as a Member of the House of Eepeesentatives, the Numbeb he has been elected, and the Numbeb of Sessions (including has given his attendance. ! House was first returned of Parliaments to which the present) at which he Name of Member. Date when first sworn. Number of Par liaments for which elected. Number of Sessions' Attendance. Steward, Hon. Sir William Jukes Thomson, James William Russell, Sir William Eussell, Kt. Seddon, Right Hon. Richard John, P.O. Duncan, Hon. Thomas Young Buchanan, Walter Clarke Pere, Wi ... Guinness, Hon Arthur Robert Parata, Tame Allen, James Carroll, Hon. James Lawry, Frank Ward, Hon. Sir Joseph George, K.C.M.G. Mackenzie, Thomas Hall-Jones, Hon. William Duthie, John Hogg, Alexander Wilson Houston, Robert Morrow Mills, Hon. Charles Houghton Tanner, William Wilcox Smith, Edward Metcalf McGowan, Hon. James Flatman, Frederick Robert ... Graham, John Lang, Frederic William McKenzie, Roderick McNab, Robert Massey, William Ferguson ... Millar, John Andrew Buddo, David Hall, Charles McLachlan, John ... Willis, Archibald Dudingston Aug. 14, 1871 „ 14, 1871 June 21, 1876 Sept. 30, 1879 May 23, 1882 „ 18, 1882 Aug. 14, 1884 „ 19, 1884 June 30,1885 Oct. 6, 1887 6, 1887 6, 1887 6, 1887 6, 1887 Aug. 25, 1890 Jan. 23, 1891 „ 23, 1891 „ 23, 1891 „ 23, 1891 „ 23, 1891 „ 23, 1891 Aug. 9, 1893 June 21, 1894 „ 21, 1894 „ 21, 1894 „ 21, 1894 „ 21, 1894 „ 21, 1894 „ 21, 1894 „ 21, 1894 „ 21, 1894 „ 21, 1894 „ 21, 1894 9 9 9 9 8 7 5 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 6 4 5 5 5 6 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 33 30 32 31 28 25 17 25 24 19 21 •21 21 17 18 12 17 17 17 17 12 14 13 13 13 13 11 13 13 9 9 9 9