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Return of all Unions registered under the said Act, and the Number of Members of such Unions— continued.

Names of Unions registered as Industrial Unions of Employers and Industrial Unions of Workers. Number oi Members. ndusteial Unions op Woekees— continued. Brought forward Wellington District— continued. Wellington Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New Zealand Wellington Branch of the Federated Seamen Wellington Branch of the New Zealand Federated Tailoresses and Pressers Wellington Brick, Tile, Drain and other Pipe and Pottery Makers Wellington Building Trades Labourers ... Wellington Carriers Wellington Coach-workers Wellington Corporation Tramway Employees Wellington District of the Australasian Institution of Marine Engineers Wellington Drivers Wellington Farriers and General Blacksmiths Wellington Freezers Wellington Gas Stokers and Cokers Wellington Grocers Wellington Hairdressers' Assistants Wellington Iron and Brass Moulders Wellington Letterpress Printers' Machinists and Lithographers Wellington Match-factory Employees Wellington Merchant Service Guild Wellington Operative Bakers Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society Wellington Operative Butchers Wellington Operative Sausage-casing Makers Wellington Plasterers Wellington Plumbers Wellington Saddlers Wellington Section of the Australasian Federated Seamen Wellington Shipmasters Wellington Shipwrights' Society Wellington Shirtmakers and other Clothing Trade Employees ... Wellington Slaughtermen's ... Wellington Stationary, Traction, and Locomotive Engine Drivers Wellington Tailors Wellington Timber-yards and Sawmills ... Wellington Tinplate and Sheet-metal Operatives Wellington Typographical Wellington United Furniture Trade Wellington Wharf Labourers 1948 7,542 183 232 470 43 51 28 35 117 273 408 27 10 26 48 10 41 21 60 271 141 94 168 39 46 20 31 586 126 48 45 90 98 221 108 22 253 85 505 Canterbury District — Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Labourers Canterbury Bakers and Pastrycooks Canterbury Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New Zealand Canterbury Brickmakers Canterbury Carpenters and Joiners Canterbury Coachbuilders Canterbury Curriers Canterbury Cycle-workers Canterbury Drivers Canterbury Flax and Twine Mills Employees Canterbury Freezers Canterbury Grocers' Assistants Canterbury Hotel, Club, and Caterers' Employees ... Canterbury Journalists Canterbury Lithographic and Letterpress Printers' Machinists ... Canterbury Metal-workers' Assistants Canterbury Shearers Canterbury Slaughtermen Canterbury Slaughtermen's Assistants Canterbury Tanners, Fellmongers, and Skinners 7,028 87 77 641 38 93 49 30 24 91 30 99 69 94 24 16 48 1012 182 71 263 Carried forward 3038 14570