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Enforcements of Awards, &c., under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act during the Year ending 31st March, 1905— continued.


Dittriot. Trado Affected. Defendant. Decision. Taranaki New Plymouth Carpenters and Joiners* Boon Bros. .. .. Penalty £1, costs, and disbursements. H. Brown and Co. .. .. Penalty £1 and costs. New Plymouth Sash and Door Penalty £5, costs, and disbursements. Company Wm. Bond .. .. Penalty £1, costs, and disbursements. W. A. Nosworthy .. .. Penalty £1, costs, witnesses' expenses, and disbursements, and back wages. ,, .. .. Penalty £1 and costs. W. R. Proctor .. .. Penalty £5, costs, disbursements, and back wages. „ .. .. Penalty £1 and costs. W. A. Kellow .. .. Dismissed. F McParland .. .. Dismissed Pole .. .. .. ! Penalty £1, counsel's fee £2 2s., and costs. „ .. .. .. Penalty £2, counsel's fee £2 2s., and costs. Hy. Fisher .. .. I Penalty £2 and costs. John Spiers .. .. Penalty 10s. Murtagh .. .. .. Penalty 10s., counsel's fee 10s. 6d., and costs. Campbell .. .. .. Penalty 10s., counsel's fee 10s. 6d., and costs. James Wickens .. .. Breach recorded. ,, .. .. Breach recorded. A. Youngson .. .. Penalty £2 and costs. John Cameron .. . . Penalty £1 and costs. W. E. Hogg .. .. ! Dismissed. Joseph Skinner .. .. I Penalty £2, costs 3s. W. S. Dustin .. .. | Dismissed. W. E. Hogg .. .. I Dismissed. Gullio Cutelli .. .. Withdrawn. Alex. Youngson .. .. Penalty £1 and costs. Hill .. .. .. ; Penalty £7 and costs. Shannon :. .. .. , Penalty 10s. and costs. Jas. Trevor .. .. Penalty £2 and costs. C. W. Stephens .. .. Penalty £2, counsel's fee £2 2s., and witnesses' expenses. R. Bryant .. .. Penalty £2, costs, and witnesses' expenses. Tucker Bros. .. . . Penalty £3 and costs. ,, .. .. : Penalty £2 and costs. Aramoho Meat Company .. Dismissed. Hugh Stott .. .. | Dismissed. * jj jj * jj * • J* 'J j -1 * JJ JJ Taranaki Letterpress, &c. jj * * New Plymouth Painters jj ■ • Wellington 99 99 Wellington Bakers jj ,, ,, . , . - jj JJ JJ »j 99 9? jj JJ JJ jj i. ->J " * >•> jj 99 " jj J? ' JJ • • ■ * V 91 JJ J • JJ JJ J 1 J. JJ ,, ,, JJ '„ Brick, Tile, &c* J* 99 99 99 39 »J 93 99 „ Butchers Wanganui „ * .. Jt * 99 99 * . j 33 99 * ,, ,,