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Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


4—H. 10.-05


Name. Address. Class. Application. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Pacific Hardware and Steel Company, The Pascall, Limited, J. Pascall, Limited, J. Paterson and Sons, R. Pearson and Rutter, Limited Pope Manufacturing Company San Francisco, U.S.A... London, Eng. London, Eng. Glasgow, Scot. New Plymouth, N.Z. .. New York, U.S.A. 6 42 42 12 42 22 4640 4573 4624 4511 4637 4525, 6, 7, 8,9 4586 4499, 4500, 4501, 2 4639 31 Mar. 17 Feb. 19 Mar. 12 Jan. 29 Mar. 20 Jan. 25 6 31 18 Mar. 21 Jan. 14 April. Poynter, J., Son, and Macdonalds Price and Co., Limited, H. Glasgow, Scot. Wellington, N.Z. 42 42 27 Feb. 5 Jan. 20 6 3 Mar. 21 Jan. Prunier and Co., J. Melbourne, Vic. 43 31 Mar. 31 14 April. Reckitt and Sons, Limited Sydney, N.S.W. ; Hull and London, Eng. ; Port Elizabeth, South Africa ; and New York, U.S.A. Sheffield, Eng. Sheffield, Eng. Napier, N.Z. Napier, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Svdney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. London, Eng. 47 4543 27 Jan. 10 4 Feb. Reuss and Co. Rodgers and Sons, Limited, J. Ross and Son, W. Ross and Son, W. Row and Co., E. Row and Co., E. Row and Co., E. Row and Co., E. Ruchon and Co., Limited, M. 12 12, 14 50 50 2 2 3 3 50 4634 4545, 6 4522, 3, 4 4524 4569 4570, 1, 2 4601 4602, 3, 4 4612 28 Mar. 30 Jan. 19 Jan. 81 10 15 14 April. 4 Feb. 18 Feb. 17 Feb. 17 Feb. 10 Mar. 10 Mar. 18 Mar. 20 81 28 31 28 3 Mar. 14 April. 31 Mar. 14 April. 31 Mar. Sapon, Limited Sargood, Son, and Ewen Sargood, Son, and Ewen Sargood, Son, and Ewen Sharpe and Co., T. A. Sneddon, W. .. Staples and Co., W. and J. Strauss and Co., Levi London, Eng. New Zealand Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. 47 38 35 38 2, 3 13 38 38 4542 4519 4578 4638 4629, 4630 4547 4553 4555 27 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Feb. 29 Mar. 23 Mar. 2 Feb. 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 6 25 31 28 21 Jan. 18 Mar. 14 April. 31 Mar. 28 15 18 Mar. 18 Feb. Taeschner, F. A. Thomsen, W.A. Tobacco Warehousing and Trading Company (Incorporated), The Trent Bros. Tully, C.J. Turnbull and Co., W. and G. Berlin, Germany Rotorua, N.Z. Danville, U.S.A. 3 50 2 4544 4363 4574 28 Jan. 3 Sept., 1903 17 Feb. 28 10 20 31 Mar. 4 Feb. 3 Mar. Christchurch, N.Z. Greytown North, N.Z... Wellington, N.Z. 42 37 50 4532,3 4541 4521 20 Jan. 25 Jan. 18 Jan. 10 25 4 Feb. 18 Mar. Webster, R. V. Whittingham, W. Whittingham, W. Williams Company (Incorporated), T. C. Wilson and Co., Limited, J. Wilton, G. W. .. Wolff and Sohn, F. Colombo, Ceylon Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Karlsruhe, Germany .. 42 42 42 45 17 3 48 4508 4552 4588 4594, 5 4538 4559 4617, 8 4620,2 4615, 6 4619, 4621 4605 9 Jan. 3 Feb. 29 Feb. 3 Mar. 23 Jan. 8 Feb. 18 Mar. 6 25 15 20 28 21 Jan. 18 Mar. 18 Feb. 3 Mar. 31 Mar. Wolff and Sohn, F. Karlsruhe, Germany .. 48 18 Mar. Wylie, S. Sydney, N.S.W. 3 10 March .. 25 18 Mar. Zohrab and Co. Wellington, N.Z. 42 4561 10 Feb. 15 18 Feb.

Name and Address. No. of Design. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Auckland, N.Z. 3hacklock, Limited, H. E., Dunedin, N.Z. 8 1 i 202 23 Feb. 199 ) 200 [ 28 Jan. 201 ) 20 10 3 Mar. 4 Feb.