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Alphabetical List of Inventions- continued.


Invention. Name. At No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. )rawing glass Irawing off beer )rawing off liquid from vessel.. )redge attachment )redge-ladder-roller protector.. )redge tumbler )rill, Lifting and turning )riving and gearing mechanism for cycle )riving appliance. (See Grip driving-ap-pliance.) )rying apparatus for bricks, &c. )rying-machine )uplicating writing, &c, Means of )ust and air separator )ust-collector )ust, &c, excluder )ust, &c, excluder for door .. )ust, &c, excluder for door W. H. Waters J. Dunn F. W. Smith R. Andrews R. R. Douglas R. R. Douglas C. Simmons A. W. Boon 17526 17654 17578 17612 17729 17596 17521 17423 5 Feb. 11 Mar. 26 Feb. 3 Mar. 30 Mar. 1 Mar. 3 Feb. 27 Jan., 1903 28 31 Mar. 20 3 Mar'.* 31 2,4 14 April.* 31 Mar. 10 4 Feb!f S. Selby J. A. Merrett H. Sanford-Burton C. Nissen .. W. Brierly and G. Fraser A. Parker F. T. Page E. A. G. Hamlin 17482 17638 17605 17543 17520 17507 17532 17576 20 Jan. 9 Mar. 2 Mar. 15 Feb. 3 Feb. 2 Feb. 10 Feb. 26 Feb. 15 28 20 15 20 25 20 18 Feb. 31 Mar. 3 Mar. 18 Feb.* 3 Mar. 18 Mar.* 3 Mar.* larth-auger Igg-beater llectric accumulator-plate llectrical distribution llectrical distribution llectricity-meter llectric lamp llectric starting-gate Slectro-magnetic separator llectro-medical belt Uevator, Orellevator, TailingsIngine. (See Gas-engine, Fluid-pressure engine, Steam-engine.) Ingiue-silencer Ivening and grading leather Ixcavator and conveyer Ixit-door Ixit-door Extinguisher. (See Candle-extinguisher.) Ixtraction of metal from ore G. Stevenson W. V. Paley and T. H. Bussey .. C. P. Elieson W. E. Hughes W. E. Hughes B. North .. G. Sweetser S. Austen R. McKnight W. C. Crump. F. J. Courtney G. Armstrong 16188 17720 17584 17599 17619 16987 17662 17615 16106 16476 17487 17608 4 April, 1903 31 Mar. 23 Feb. 2 Mar. 5 Mar. 17 Sept., 1903 16 Mar. 4 Mar. 19 Mar., 1903 11 June, 1903 21 Jan. 27 Feb. 15 25 a 18 Feb. 18 Mar. 7 Jan. "c> 2 21 Jan. 7 Jan. 25 18 Mar'.* B. Crawford Lacene Manufacturing Company G. H. Dunlop J.A. Jagger J.A. Jagger 17527 17609 17601 17637 17672 13 Feb., 1903 27 Feb. 2 Mar. '.. 9 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 28 28 28 18 Mar.f 31 Mar. 31 Mar.* 31 Mar.* Ixtractor and clarifier P. J. Ogle and The Rapid Cyanide Treatment, Limited W. Hicks, F. Williams, and W. Barnsdale 17561 16848 24 Feb. 25 Aug., 1903 20 6 3 Mar.* 21 Jan. 'astener. (See Belt-fastener, Hat-fastener, Necktie fastener and retainer, Sashfastener, Window-sash fastener.) 'astening. (See Animal-oover fastening, Box-fastening, Legging-fastening, Pack-ing-case fastening.) 'eeder for material in measured quantities 'encing-dropper 'encing-standard .. 'encing-standard 'encing-staple 'encing-strainer 'ibre-separating apparatus 'ilter, Water-tank .. 'ilter, Water-tank Altering apparatus, Slime'iltering apparatus, Slime'ire alarm 'ire-alarm 'ire-alarm telephone attachment 'ire-escape 'ire-igniter 'ire-lighter 'ire-lighter 'ishing-rod 'lax, Apparatus for separating fibres of .. 'lax conveyer and cleaner 'lax dressing and washing 'lax dressing and washing 'lax-stripper rollers, Truing up 'lax-stripping machine 'luid-pressure brake 'luid pressure turbine 'ly-catcher 'ood for cattle 'oot, Artificial 'ork. (See Toasting-fork.) 'rame for copper-boiler 'rozen meat, Defrosting 'uel-economizer N. P. Carver A. Macvean F. W. Bursill W.White.. G. Chewings J. Woolford F. Wilkinson F. Elvines and T. Hall E. R. Godward H. R. Cassel G. S. Duncan J. Fletcher C. P. Winkelmann F. J. Farrell W. J. Price P. Coull A. Ashcroft F. Stubbs.. F. T. Page F. Wilkinson D. J. Williams A. Hesse and W. Beissel A. L. J. Tait J. Anderson G. Craw .. M. Connington J. P. Campbell J. W. MacCann and J. E. Taylor F. Livingstone W. H. Bird 17613 17553 16464 17502 17501 17445 16257 17495 17588 17600 17158 17505 17545 17669 17704 17463 17551 17493 17430 16257 17699 17479 17683 17565 17525 17279 17626/8 17397 17602 17456 3 Mar. 20 Feb. 10 June, 1903 29 Jan. 29 Jan. 8 Jan. 22 April, 1903 25 Jan. 29 Feb. 2 Mar. 29 Oct., 1903 28 Jan. 17 Feb. 14 Mar. 28 Mar. 12 Jan. 16 Feb. 19 Jan. 5 Jan. 22 April, 1903 25 Mar. 14 Jan. 22 Mar. 24 Feb. 8 Feb. 19 Nov., 1903 7 Mar. 19 Dec, 1903 2 Mar. 12 Jan. 28 20 18 15 18 15 28 25 15 18 20 28 31 Mar. 3 Mar.* 18 Feb. 18 Feb.* 18 Feb.* 18 Feb.' 31 Mar. 18 Mar.* 18 Feb. 18 Feb.* 3 Mar.* 31 Mar.* 10 25 28 6 18 81 10 4 Feb.* 18 Mar. 31 Mar.* 21 Jan.* 18 Feb. 14 April.* 4 Feb.* 25 15 28 13 25 28 10 18 Mar. 18 Feb.* 31 Mar. 14 April. 18 Mar. 31 Mar. 4 Feb. A. C. Wolff and A. Mutch J. Murgatroyd H. E. Leighton 17634 17582 16117 8 Mar. 27 Feb. 21 Mar., 1903 25 25 15 18 Mar.* 18 Mar. 18 Feb.