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from this treatment I was compelled to shut off the douche for want of an adequate supply of hot ■ water. The importance of the douche in the treatment of certain cases must be my excuse for again urging the early prosecution of prospecting for more hot water, which, if once secured, would make the installation of the various forms of douche (so important a feature in the proper equipment of all bathing-spas) a comparatively simple matter. I think the revenue from the baths justifies me in claiming for Te Aroha an important place among the bathing-spas of the colony. Works undertaken during the Year. Baths and Buildings. During the year the following works have been carried out: Alterations to No. 1 (ladies') and No. 4 Baths, resulting in an increase of temperature in No. 1 to about 103 deg. Fahr. This has been greatly appreciated by the bathers, but No. 1 Bath has not yet regained its former popularity. Curtains have been placed in front of the dressing-boxes in Nos. 1 and 2 Baths, giving greater privacy and comfort to bathers, and new wooden gratings have been supplied to the dressing-boxes of Nos. 1, 2, and 6 Baths. New shower-baths have been placed in Nos. 2 and 6 Baths. Attendant's rooms have now been .•fitted in Nos. 1 and 6 Baths. This work meets a great want, the value of which will be better -appreciated during the winter months. The hot-water pipes leading from springs feeding Nos. 1 and 6 Baths have been insulated, thus assisting in maintaining the temperature of the water. The surface drainage of the immediate surroundings of Nos. 1, 2, 4, and 6 Baths has received attention. ii The exterior of the Cadman Bath building has been recently painted in the Department's colours (cream body, blue facings, and red roof), which has added greatly to the appearance of the building and its surroundings. The band-stand has been removed from its old site in the middle of the lawn to higher ground on a level with the Cadman building, and has been renovated and repainted, all of which vastly improves its appearance. The Administrative Buildings have been altered by the addition of a consulting-room and lavatories, all placed at the rear of the existing building. The exterior of the whole and a portion of the interior of the building have been painted. Grounds. The landslip on the south-east embankment of the bowling-green has been thoroughly and well repaired, and the bowling-green, the croquet-lawn, and the grass tennis-courts have received the annual top-dressing. Rockeries have been placed at various spots throughout the grounds, and planted with many varieties of beautiful flowering-plants, thus producing a picturesque effect in what would otherwise have been very unsightly corners. A flower-border and path has been placed around three sides of the croquet-lawn and grass tennis-courts. This makes an artistic line of demarkation between the playing-grounds and the lawn generally. The former bare and unsightly watercourse leading down from the terrace towards the Cadman Bath building, and which was little more than a rubbish-tip, has been cleared and converted into a series of small but pretty lakelets, each surrounded by a bed of flowers, and some planted with a variety of water-lilies. Tree-ferns and toitoi have been planted on the banks of some of the lakelets, and when these grow to maturity, and the bareness of the boulders becomes covered with lichen, moss, and creepers, the whole will make a very pretty picture. All the ground leading from the level of the Cadman building up to the Octagon, and abutting the boundary-fence on the north side has been cleared, carefully graded, and laid down in grass, with a flower-border along the footpath leading to the Octagon. Already the young grass has made its appearance, and gives promise of the beautiful effect which will be produced in the spring and summer. The paths leading up to the Bald Spur have been repaired, and the overgrowth of the bush on either side has been cut, making this favourite walk all the more pleasant. The ground immediately surrounding the rear of the Cadman Building has been levelled and sown with grass. This spot, which has always had a dirty and unkempt appearance, now looks clean and tidy. The borough water-supply has been extended from the lower lawn per medium of a 4 in. main to the level of the Terrace, thus enabling a fire-prevention service to be put into action controlling Nos. 1, 2, 4, and 6 bath buildings, should such an unlikely contingency as fire occur. The new grass lawns for croquet and tennis were completed early in the season, and are greatlyappreciated, supplying as they do a long-felt want for the recreation and exercise of patients and the general public. Miscellaneous A light and handy ambulance has been supplied for the mutual benefit of the Government Domain and the town, which will enable the sick or injured to be more easily conveyed to and ifrom their homes. A suitable bath-chair has been supplied for the use of patients visiting the baths. A range of lockers has been fixed in the bowling-green pavilion, and has proved a great boon to bowlers. As regards the fee charged for the hire of the lockers (3s. 6d. per season), the general opinion is that it is too high, which may possibly account for the fact that only eight have been taken up. The Department's bowls have been tested and stamped in Wellington by the Northern Bowling Association, thus enabling inter-club or inter-association matches and tournaments to be played