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Wellington, Thursday, 17th August, 1905. The Commission sat at 2.30 p.m. for consideration of report. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana. Adjourned till Friday, the 18th August, at 2.30 p.m.

Wellington, Friday, 18th August, 1905. The Commission sat at 2.30 p.m. for consideration of report. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr Hutana. Adjourned till Saturday, the 19th August, at 2.30 p.m. The Commissioners decided to apply for a further extension of time to the 23rd instant, and a letter making the application was forwarded to the Premier.

Wellington, Satukday, 19th August, 1905. The Commission sac at 2.30 p.m. for consideration of report. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman). H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana. Adjourned till Sunday, the 20th August, at 3 p.m.

Wellington, Sunday, 20th August, 1905. The Commission sat at 2.30 p.m. for consideration of report. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana. Adjourned till Monday, the 21st August, at 2.30 p.m.

Wellington, Monday, 21st August, 1905. The Commission sat at 2.30 p.m. for consideration of report. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq, ami Mr. Hutana. Adjourned till Tuesday, the 22nd August, at 10 a.m.

Wellington, Tuesday, 22nd August, 1905. The Commission sac at 10 a.m. for consideration of report. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardeil, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq, and Mr. Hutana. Adjourned till Wednesday, the 23rd August, at noon.

Wellington, Wednesday, 23rd August, 1905. The Commission sat at 12 noon for final consideration and adoption of report. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana.