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Route No 3 —(Once in every Two Weeks.)- From Brindisi to Adelaide, calling at Aden, Colombo, and Albany (or Fremantle), and from Adelaide to Brindisi, calling at Albany (or 1< remantle), Colombo, and Aden. The Second Schedule. 1 The company shall and will, when and so often as they or the masters of the mail-ships shall be required in writing so to do by the Admiralty, the Secretary of State for India, or the Secretary of State for the Colonies, or by any officers or agents acting under their authority (such writing to specify the rank or description of the person or persons to be conveyed, and the accommodation to be provided for him or them) receive, provide for, victual, and convey to, trom, and between any of the ports or places to, from, and between which any of the mail-ships are to proceed in the performance of this agreement (in addition to any officers of the Post Office employed in connection with the mails conveyed or to be conveyed under this agreement). (a.) Any number of naval, military, or civil officers in the service of Her Majesty not exceeding eight in any one ship, with or without their wives and children, as chief-cabm or first-class saloon passengers (together with their servants, male and female, who are to have the same accommodation as that provided for the servants of other passengers, or ot officers of the company). (b ) Any number of non-commissioned and warrant officers not exceeding tour m any one ship, with or without their wives and children, as fore-cabin or second-class passengers, and . (c ) Any number of seamen, marines soldiers, or artificers in Her Majesty s service not exceeding ten in any one ship, with or without their wives and children, as third-class passengers, to be always provided with effectual protection from rain, sun, and bad weather, and not exposed on deck without such competent protection, and to have hammocks or bunks (subject to the approval of the Admiralty) placed between decks 2 (1 ) The passengers who shall be conveyed in pursuance of the last preceding clause (who are hereinafter designated " Government passengers ") with their families shall be treated m no respect whether as regards food, cabin, or other accommodation, or aught else in a way interior to that in which ordinary passengers of the same class are treated, or to that required by the regulations of Her Majesty's" Transport Service. The messing of the second-class and the victualling of the third-class naval adult passengers shall include in each day one half-gill of spirits. (2.) The several classes of passengers shall mess in separate places, and medical attendance, medicine, and medical comforts, mess-utensils, and fittings, cooking utensils, articles for table use, and mess-places, fuel, lights, requisite articles of bedding, and all other necessaries shall be provided for them in like manner as for ordinary passengers of the like classes respectively. 3. The passage-money for Government passengers and their families and servants respectively shall unless otherwise agreed between the Admiralty and the company, be the same as that charged by the company for ordinary passengers of the same class, and shall include all the particulars mentioned in the last preceding clause, and if and whenever any alteration of rates for ordinary passengers shall be made by the company the Admiralty shall be immediately apprised of such alteration. , „ . 4. Returns of the embarkation and disembarkation of all Government passengers shall be furnished to the Director of Transports immediately after the departure and arrival of each mail's. Payments for pas-age-money for Government passengers shall be applied for by invoices according to a form to be obtained from the office of the Director of Transports, and shall be madi. only upon such applications and upon the production of the orders for the passage, together with a certificate under the hand of the commanding officer specifying the number of third-class passengers (men, women, and children) conveyed, with the ages and sexes of the latter, and stating the periods during which they have been respectively regularly supplied with provisions while on board, and also a certificate under the hand of each first- and second-class passenger of his or her having been landed at the place of destination, and of his or her having been properly accommodated and messed during the voyage, and specifying the dates from and to whicli they were messed, computed from the first to the last dinner meal. 6. The company shall convey for every Government passenger, free of charge, the quantity of baggage (whether such quantity shall be" estimated or ascertained by bulk or weight) to which he is entitled under the Government regulations for the time being in force, and freight shall be payable for any extra baggage of a Government passenger after the same rate as the freight payable according to the regulations of the company for the time being for extra baggage of an ordinary passenger of the same class, but the same must be paid by the passengers themselves. 7 The passage-money for the wives, families, ami servants of commissioned and civil officers, when not ordered to be conveyed at the public expense, shall be paid to the company by the officers 8. In all cases where an officer in the naval, military, or Civil service of Her Majesty, who may not be entitled to a passage at the public expense, shall require a passage on board any of the mail-ships, the company shall be bound to provide when they have room in such mail-ship a, passage for such officer in preference to any non-official passenger not already booked, and shall charge no higher rate for such passage than is chargeable for an ordinary passenger. T). (1.) The company shall receive on board each of the mail-ships, and shall convey on behalf of the Admiralty--(a.) Any small packages which may be ordered tor conveyance, and also (b ) (On receiving from the Briti-h naval officer in command of any naval station two days' previous notice) any naval or other stores not exceeding at any one time in any one mail-ship 10 tons weight or 15 tons of 40 cubic feet each in measurement.